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English-German translation for: opposed
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Dictionary English German: opposed

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
VERB  to oppose | opposed | opposed ... 
opposed {adj} {past-p}
opposed {adj}
opposed {adj}
opposed {past-p}
spec. opposed {adj} {past-p}
2 Words: Others
diametrically opposed {adj}diametral entgegengesetzt
diametrically opposed {adj}genau entgegengesetzt
diametrically opposed {adj}völlig entgegengesetzt
opposed (to sth.) {adj} [averse](etw.Dat.) abgeneigt
2 Words: Verbs
to be opposedfeindlich gesinnt sein
2 Words: Nouns
hydro. opposed bankGegenufer {n}
opposed charactersgegensätzliche Charaktere {pl}
3 Words: Others
as opposed to sb./sth. {adv}gegenüber jdm./etw. [im Gegensatz zu]
as opposed to sb./sth. {adv} [idiom]statt jds./etw. [auch: jdm./etw.] [im Gegensatz zu]
as opposed to sb./sth. {adv} [idiom]im Gegensatz zu jdm./etw.
as opposed to sb./sth. {adv} [in contrast]anstatt jds./etw. [auch: jdm./etw.] [im Gegensatz]
opposed to amalgamation {adj}gegen einen Zusammenschluss
3 Words: Verbs
to be opposed toentgegenstehen
to be opposed to sth.gegen etw. sein
to be opposed to sth.gegen etw. eingestellt sein
to be opposed to sth.sich gegen etw. einsetzen
3 Words: Nouns
horizontally opposed engineGegenkolbenmotor {m}
horizontally-opposed engineBoxermotor {m}
tech. opposed cylinder engineBoxermotor {m}
tech. opposed piston engine [Am.]Boxermotor {m}
MedTech. opposed-phase imageGegenphase-Bild {n}
MedTech. opposed-phase imagingGegen-Phase-Bildgebung {f}
opposed-piston engineGegenkolbenmotor {m}
vertically opposed angleScheitelwinkel {m}
vertically opposed anglesScheitelwinkel {pl}
4 Words: Others
as opposed to this {adv}im Gegensatz dazu
pol. He opposed a bill.Er opponierte gegen einen Gesetzesentwurf.
opposed to extreme measures {adj}gegen extreme Maßnahmen
4 Words: Verbs
to be adamantly opposed to sth.etw.Akk. entschieden ablehnen
to be implacably opposed to sth.völlig gegen etw.Akk. sein [etw. (ganz) entschieden ablehnen]
to be opposed to doing sth.dagegen sein, etw. zu tun
4 Words: Nouns
horizontally opposed piston engineGegenkolbenmotor {m}
5+ Words: Others
educ. philos. relig. opposed to pleasures of the body {adj} [esp. sexual]leibfeindlich
Their views are diametrically opposed.Sie haben völlig entgegengesetzte Ansichten.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be opposed to a measuregegen eine Maßnahme sein
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A 2024-10-21: A crass instance of the etymological fallacy would be to restrict the mean...
A 2019-05-08: Vertical (as opposed to lateral).
A 2017-08-19: The Emscher turns into a river again (as opposed to a sewer or a mere waterduct)
A 2017-08-06: hier wahrscheinlich: as an individual object (as opposed to part of a coll...
Q 2017-06-22: physical product - as opposed to digital product
A 2015-04-14: "Linie" as opposed to "Stab" : (in practice) on the ground,
Q 2015-02-05: as opposed to teen chick-lit
A 2014-12-10: Alternate spelling: +Babbedeggelspiele+ (as opposed to +Daddelspiele+ )
A 2014-08-11: I suppose "Zuwahl" is just as opposed to "Abwahl" (to elect / vote out of ...
A 2014-01-16: Bei +opposed to+ ist +to+ eine Präposition, bei +inclined to+ bezeichnet +...
A 2013-07-22: I always thought the "vocal line" it to be the "Gesang" (as opposed to the...
A 2013-07-15: made by an autopen / signing machine (as opposed to handwriting)
A 2013-05-14: "Op" is short for "opinion" (as opposed to impartial news reporting).
A 2013-05-05: I think "logical" refers to the way you arrive at the solution (as opposed...
A 2013-03-28: Refers almost certainly to Julius Streicher. With emphasis on "seinen" (as...
A 2012-11-12: "plain" here > Ebene (as opposed to mountainous terrain).
A 2012-11-11: körperlich anstrengend (as opposed to: geistig anstrengend)
A 2012-10-30: I see. My beef was only with "track" as opposed to "lane." Must be an AE ...
A 2012-06-21: Generally, it means "good enough for industrial use" as opposed to use in ...
A 2011-10-30: Beware of +bomb+ - it has diametrically opposed meanings in AE and BE

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