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English-German translation for: opposite
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Dictionary English German: opposite

Translation 1 - 50 of 125  >>

English German
NOUN   an opposite | opposites
SYNO   antonym | opposite | opposite word ... 
opposite {adv} {prep}
gegenüber [+Dat.]
opposite {adj}
opposite {adj} {adv} <opp.>
opposite {adj}
electr. opposite {adj} [poles]
ungleichnamig [Pole]
opposite {adj}
nebenstehend [abgebildet]
anat. bot. opposite {adj} [oppositely arranged (leaves etc.)]
opposite {prep}
gegenüberliegend [+ Dat.]
opposite {adj} [attr.] [e.g. lane, party, side, direction]
Gegen- [z. B. Fahrbahn, Seite, Richtung]
opposite {adj}
opposite {adv}auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite
film opposite sb. {prep} [act]an der Seite von jdm. [spielen]
Gegenteil {n}
opposite <Opp>
Gegensatz {m} <Ggs.>
Gegenüber {n}
Gegenstück {n}
math. opposite [additive inverse]
Gegenzahl {f}
Gegenbegriff {m}
ling. opposite [antonym]Gegensatzwort {n}
ling. opposite [antonym]Gegenwort {n}
2 Words: Others
almost opposite {adj}fast entgegengerichtet
being oppositegegenüberliegend
diagonally opposite {adv}schräg gegenüber
diametrically opposite {adj}genau gegenteilig
directly opposite {adv}direkt gegenüber
directly opposite {adv}genau gegenüber
directly opposite {adv}gleich gegenüber
directly opposite {adv}unmittelbar gegenüber
opposite to {prep}gegenüber [+Dat.]
2 Words: Verbs
theatre to play opposite sb.neben jdm. spielen
2 Words: Nouns
diametric oppositediametraler Gegensatz {m}
diametrical oppositediametraler Gegensatz {m}
math. opposite (side) [of a right-angled triangle]Gegenkathete {f}
math. opposite angleGegenwinkel {m}
math. opposite angleScheitelwinkel {m} [Gegenwinkel]
opposite bank [of a river etc.]Gegenufer {n}
opposite bank [of a river etc.]jenseitiges Ufer {n}
opposite buildinggegenüberliegendes Gebäude {n}
traffic transp. opposite carriagewayGegenfahrbahn {f}
opposite color [Am.] [complementary color]Komplementärfarbe {f}
opposite colour [Br.] [complementary colour]Komplementärfarbe {f}
opposite directionGegenrichtung {f}
opposite directionentgegengesetzte Richtung {f}
opposite effectgegenteilige Wirkung {f}
bot. opposite flowers {pl}dekussierte Verzweigung {f}
phys. opposite forceGegenkraft {f}
traffic opposite laneGegenfahrbahn {f}
opposite numberGegenüber {n} [z. B. in einer Diskussion]
opposite numberKollege {m} [Gegenüber, Gegenspieler]
opposite number [fig.]Gegenspieler {m}
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A 2023-05-31: The opposite of gigantic secret
A 2023-04-17: In fact, this blog post argues the exact opposite.
Q 2020-06-15: the opposite of peaceful event
A 2019-11-15: In English the traditional meaning is the opposite of sickness, to be in g...
A 2019-04-02: the opposite of formlos/formfrei - förmlich
A 2018-07-07: Not an opposite, of course
Q 2018-07-06: The opposite of Seemann/sailor?
A 2018-05-15: We're not saying the opposite, honest :-)
A 2017-12-28: Ever since I had slipped away from a squad car as a boy by entering a one-...
Q 2017-12-20: the opposite of video clip
Q 2016-08-04: Opposite feet throughout
A 2016-07-01: With the conclusion doe not mean at the outset. It means the very opposite.
A 2015-10-08: Der deutsche Satz ist eindeutig: "sich gegenüber" = einander gegenüber = o...
A 2015-06-23: Not 'Arbeitszeit' in AE. In fact, the exact opposite: left to their own devices.
A 2015-06-14: +opposite to+ for the adjective only - ut supra
A 2015-06-14: +opposite+ preposition http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/engli...
A 2014-10-29: the opposite of "ambulant" is "stationär" I'd say
A 2014-10-01: I have always assumed that this was a tongue-in-cheek way of saying the op...
A 2014-09-14: ...who was the complete physical opposite...
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