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English-German translation for: ordered
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Dictionary English German: ordered

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
VERB  to order | ordered | ordered ... 
SYNO   arranged | ordered | coherent ... 
comm. ordered {adj} {past-p}
ordered {adj} {past-p}
ordered {adj} {past-p}
sb. ordered
jd. befahl
ordered {adj} {past-p}
[they] ordered
[sie] befahlen
2 Words: Others
as ordered {adv}auftragsgemäß
as ordered {adv}befehlsgemäß
as ordered {adv}vorschriftsgemäß
as ordered {adv}wie angeordnet
not ordered {adj}unbestellt
ordered about {past-p}herumkommandiert
ordered bysortiert nach
pre-ordered {adj} {past-p}vorbestellt
well-ordered {adj}durchgeplant
well-ordered {adj}ordentlich
well-ordered {adj}wohlgeordnet
well-ordered {adj}wohl geordnet [Rsv.]
2 Words: Nouns
articles {pl} orderedin Auftrag gegebene Ware {f}
comm. goods {pl} orderedin Auftrag gegebene Ware {f}
material ordered alloygeordnete Legierung {f}
math. ordered fieldgeordneter Körper {m}
comm. ordered goods {pl}bestellte Ware {f}
comp. ordered listsortierte Liste {f}
math. ordered pairgeordnetes Paar {n}
comm. ordered performancebestellte Leistung {f}
ordered retreatgeordneter Rückzug {m}
ordered servicebestellte Leistung {f}
math. ordered setangeordnete Menge {f}
comp. math. ordered tablegeordnete Tabelle {f}
quantity orderedBestellmenge {f}
quantity orderedin Auftrag gegebene Menge {f}
3 Words: Others
in ordered circumstances {adv}in geordneten Verhältnissen
ordered in advance {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]vorausbestellt
ordered some more {past-p}nachbestellt
sb. has / had orderedjd. hat / hatte befohlen
what is orderedwas im Auftrag steht
3 Words: Nouns
an ordered wholeein geordnetes Ganzes {n}
law court-ordered appearanceZwangsvorführung {f}
math. ordered n-tuplegeordnetes n-Tupel {n}
math. partially ordered sethalbgeordnete Menge {f}
math. phys. path-ordered exponentialpfadgeordnetes Exponential {n}
the lot orderedin Auftrag gegebene Menge {f}
math. phys. time-ordered exponentialzeitgeordnetes Exponential {n}
well-ordered communitygeordnete Gemeinde {f}
math. well-ordered setswohlgeordnete Klassen {pl}
4 Words: Others
ordered according to name {adj} [postpos.]geordnet nach Namen [nachgestellt]
math. phys. ordered and non-ordered {adj}geordnet und ungeordnet
5+ Words: Others
law as ordered by the court {adv}wie vom Gericht angeordnet
depending on the quantity orderedin Abhängigkeit von der Bestellmenge
Flags were ordered to be flown at half-mast.Es wurde Trauerbeflaggung angeordnet.
I don't like being ordered about.Ich lass mir nicht gern befehlen.
I was ordered to do it.Ich wurde angewiesen, es zu tun.
I was ordered to do sth.Ich erhielt den Befehl, etw. zu tun.
I was ordered to do sth.Mir wurde befohlen, etw. zu tun.
idiom just what the doctor orderedgenau das Richtige
law the court has ordered, adjudged and decreeddas Gericht hat für Recht erkannt
5+ Words: Verbs
to differ from what we orderedvon unserem Auftrag abweichen
to live a well-ordered lifein geordneten Verhältnissen leben
5+ Words: Nouns
auction ordered by the courtgerichtlich angeordnete Versteigerung {f}
law judge that ordered writ of attachmentArrestrichter {m} [schweiz.]
law judge that ordered writ of attachment [female]Arrestrichterin {f} [schweiz.]
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A 2021-04-15: A group may have been ordered to team up or have come together consensuall...
A 2018-02-22: Could be +care ordered by the court / court-ordered care+
A 2018-02-21: care ordered by (the) court ... ?
A 2016-12-27: In the event of an order being placed, all the ordered goods may be manufa...
A 2016-04-29: I ordered one of everything. With a fake credit card. Let's see what happens ;-)
A 2015-05-21: Both the husband and the wife each shall be ordered to pay half the court fees.
A 2015-02-25: @Proteus LINK #2: Thanks a lot for that one; I just ordered the book.
A 2014-03-06: I know someone who once ordered Taubensaft.
A 2014-01-19: Danke, uffie! Just what the doctor ordered!
A 2013-05-04: I suppose it's a repair on guarantee (maybe together with some other items...
Q 2012-10-22: ordered government
A 2012-07-09: In English, order can mean the items ordered -
A 2012-02-08: Linearly ordered set - http://www.google.at/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=d...
A 2012-01-12: It's correct, and is short for 'ordered many churches to be closed.'
A 2011-12-12: not ordered and you can streamline it.
A 2011-04-20: For our dinner, we ordered from room service. (ohne Artikel)
A 2011-01-28: If a company tells their clients that the products they ordered will be de...
A 2011-01-11: A bit late after you've already ordered sth.
A 2010-12-17: court-ordered
A 2010-11-20: In the U.S. military, "Ich melde gehorsamst" would be "rank, last name, re...

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