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English-German translation for: ore
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Dictionary English German: ore

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NOUN1   an ore | ores
NOUN2   ore | -
geol. mining ore
Erz {n}
2 Words: Others
geol. mining containing ore {adj} [postpos.]erzhaltig
geol. mining ore-bearing {adj}erzführend
geol. mining ore-bearing {adj}erzhaltig
geol. mining ore-bearing {adj} {past-p}vererzt
geol. mining ore-forming {adj}erzbildend
geol. mining ore-petrographic {adj}erzpetrographisch
geol. mining ore-rich {adj}erzreich
2 Words: Verbs
mining to smelt oreErz verhütten
mining to win oreErz gewinnen
2 Words: Nouns
geol. mining (ore) mineralizationVererzung {f}
mining (ore) shoot [rich ore body]Erzfall {m} [Erzgangveredelung]
mineral. aluminium ore [Br.]Aluminiumerz {n}
mineral. aluminum ore [Am.]Aluminiumerz {n}
mineral. antimony oreAntimonerz {n}
mineral. blood ore [Fe2O3] [hematit]Roteisenerz {n} [Hämatit]
mineral. bog oreSumpferz {n}
mineral. chrome oreChromerz {n}
geol. mining cobalt oreKobalterz {n}
geol. mining copper oreKupfererz {n}
mining crude oreFördererz {n}
crude orerohes Erz {n}
geol. crustal oreKrustenerz {n}
mineral. gold oreGolderz {n}
material mining ground oreErzmehl {n}
mineral. haematite ore [Br.]Hämatiterz {n}
mineral. hematite ore [Am.]Hämatiterz {n}
mining initial oreAusgangserz {n}
geol. mineral. iron oreEisenerz {n}
mineral. iron oreEisenstein {m}
mineral. lead oreBleierz {n}
geol. mining lean oreMagererz {n}
mining magnesium oreMagnesiumerz {n}
geol. mining manganese oreManganerz {n}
mining metal oreMetallerz {n}
geol. mining molybdenum oreMolybdänerz {n}
nickel oreKupfernickel {n}
mineral. mining nickel oreNickelerz {n}
geol. mineral. mining ore beltErzgürtel {m}
geol. mineral. mining ore bodyErzkörper {m} [abbauwürdiges Erzlager]
rail ore car [Am.]Erzwagen {m}
naut. ore carrierErzfrachter {m}
naut. ore carrierErzschiff {n}
mining ore cobbingErzscheiden {n}
mining ore concentrateErzkonzentrat {n}
geol. mining ore contentErzgehalt {m}
ore crusherErzbrecher {m}
geol. mineral. mining ore depositErzlager {n}
geol. mining ore depositErzlagerstätte {f}
geol. mining ore depositErzvorkommen {n}
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A 2020-05-23: agree with school weariness ( = tired ore bored because you have been doin...
A 2017-08-29: you can use ore exploit the right to a piece of music in quite a variety o...
A 2014-08-24: Perhaps +ore washery+
A 2014-08-24: Flutwerk > wash ore ?
A 2012-05-16: 'Fumes' when melted down, like iron ore or asphalt. Quarried = gotten from...
A 2011-06-15: @callixite: is you like an ore with many impurities or wot?
A 2010-12-04: Please distinguish between +or+ and +ore+
A 2010-09-09: Decisions made ore transponed together
A 2009-07-03: Same as Orchard, but with +are+ instead of +ore+ at the beginning: 'ɑːʧəd
A 2009-03-11: http://www.google.at/search?hl=de&q=%22minable+ore+reserves%22&btnG=Suche&...
A 2009-01-24: No, the ending doesn't matter here. It was just a question of *are* ore *were*.
A 2007-12-09: kapiert! ore = Erz
A 2007-12-09: http://www.dict.cc/?s=ore
Q 2007-10-17: Explain in a complete sentence ore sentences:
Q 2007-10-17: Explain in a complete sentence ore sentences:
Q 2007-10-17: Explain in a complete sentence ore sentences
Q 2007-02-09: New economy - shopfloor ore shop-floor - to translate in german
A 2006-08-11: 12 Öre hab ich auch schon gehört, allerdings nur im Norden
A 2006-08-11: Öre
A 2006-05-13: Ore Mountains (Substantiv als Adjektiv benutzt)

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