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English-German translation for: organized
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Dictionary English German: organized

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
VERB  to organize | organized | organized ... 
SYNO   organised | organized | unionised ... 
organized {adj} {past-p}
organized {adj} {past-p}
organized {adj} [methodical]
organized {adj} {past-p}
organized {adj} {past-p}ausgestaltet
2 Words: Others
badly organized {adj}schlecht organisiert
extremely organized {adj} {past-p}äußerst gut organisiert
non-organized {adj}nicht organisiert
self-organized {adj}selbstorganisiert
tightly organized {adj}straff organisiert
well-organized {adj}gut organisiert
well-organized {adj} {past-p} [of an event]gut aufgezogen [Veranstaltung]
word-organized {adj}wortorganisiert
2 Words: Nouns
organized crimeorganisiertes Verbrechen {n}
organized crime <OC>organisierte Kriminalität {f}
organized labor {sg} [Am.]gewerkschaftlich organisierte Arbeitnehmer {pl}
organized labour [Br.]organisierte Arbeiterschaft {f}
organized labour {sg} [Br.]gewerkschaftlich organisierte Arbeitnehmer {pl}
organized marketorganisierter Markt {m}
mil. pol. organized resistanceorganisierter Widerstand {m}
organized smugglingorganisierter Schmuggel {m}
organized strikeorganisierter Streik {m}
travel organized tour [in a group]Gesellschaftsreise {f}
sociol. organized youthVerbandsjugend {f}
3 Words: Nouns
bit-organized memorybitorganisierter Speicher {m}
conceptually organized glossarybegrifflich strukturiertes Glossar {n}
organized capital marketorganisierter Kapitalmarkt {m}
stocks organized stock marketgeregelter Börsenmarkt {m}
self-organized criticality <SOC>selbstorganisierende Kritizität {f} <SOK>
self-organized criticality <SOC>selbstorganisierte Kritikalität {f} <SOK>
educ. self-organized learningselbstorganisiertes Lernen {n}
4 Words: Others
acad. Unverified He is very organizedEr ist sehr organisiert
in an organized manner {adv}organisiert
4 Words: Nouns
state of being organizedOrganisiertheit {f}
5+ Words: Others
idiom It was a perfectly organized disaster / cock-up!Operation gelungen, Patient tot!
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Q 2017-01-04: To the degree one is organized in Deutsch?
A 2016-06-04: This report is organized into the areas of sport ...
A 2015-02-23: Ecotourism is slow environmental degradation caused by an organized influx...
A 2014-10-29: Well-organized web site.
A 2013-08-01: Calves shown in competitions organized by the 4-H organization.
Q 2013-07-01: He had things together. One of his biographers called him "Organized Victory".
A 2012-07-16: my question was more about the 'is organized around' bit
Q 2012-07-16: x is organized around the belief that
A 2012-03-26: Artists, get serious. Every dictionary known to man is organized alphabetically.
Q 2012-03-05: the ability to get organized and set your own agenda
A 2011-11-03: Nordic, the joke is only funny when the mechanics are Swiss and everything...
A 2011-10-28: Probably organized crime ("big gang") figures.
Q 2010-11-05: organized schemes, contracted for by
A 2010-11-01: organized and owned
A 2010-02-24: I, too, think the German native meant that he or she organized something a...
A 2009-12-14: It refers to student protesters (Cohn-Bendit etc.) who organized confronta...
A 2009-11-11: The grades / marks are clearly organized course by course in order to ensu...
A 2009-10-16: Oxford English: "organized"; the rest of us: "organised"
A 2009-09-27: yes, well organized, or neatly arranged
A 2009-09-27: ? well organized

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