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English-German translation for: orientation
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Dictionary English German: orientation

Translation 1 - 50 of 142  >>

English German
NOUN1   an orientation | orientations
NOUN2   orientation | -
SYNO   orientation | orientation course ... 
Orientierung {f}
orientation [towards] [esp. fig.]
Ausrichtung {f} [auf] [meist fig.]
Hinwendung {f}
Richtung {f}
orientation [introduction, training]
Einweisung {f} [Unterweisung, Einführung]
orientation [introduction, training]
Einführung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
psych. achievement orientationLeistungsorientierung {f}
action orientationHandlungsorientierung {f}
angular orientationWinkelausrichtung {f}
telecom. antenna orientationAntennenausrichtung {f}
biochem. antiparallel orientationantiparallele Orientierung {f}
sociol. ascent orientationAufstiegsorientierung {f}
math. mineral. axis orientationAchsenorientierung {f}
basic orientationGrundorientierung {f}
basic orientationgrundsätzliche Vorstellung {f}
psych. behavioral orientation [Am.]Verhaltensorientierung {f}
psych. behavioural orientation [Br.]Verhaltensorientierung {f}
educ. career orientationBerufsorientierung {f}
psych. character orientationCharakterorientierung {f}
context orientationKontextorientierung {f}
electr. mineral. crystal orientationKristallausrichtung {f}
electr. mineral. crystal orientationKristallorientierung {f}
comm. customer orientationKundenbezogenheit {f}
customer orientationKundenorientierung {f}
psych. sociol. drive orientationAntriebsorientierung {f}
econ. employee orientation [includes employee relationship to managers & other staff, employee relationship to work tasks, etc.]Mitarbeiterorientierung {f}
archi. constr. façade orientationFassadenausrichtung {f}
material fiber orientation [Am.]Faserorientierung {f}
fiber orientation [Am.]Faserverlauf {m}
material tech. fibre orientation [Br.]Faserorientierung {f}
financial orientationfinanzielle Orientierung {f}
general orientationLeitbild {n}
global orientationglobale Ausrichtung {f}
goal orientationZielorientierung {f}
material grain orientationKornorientierung {f}
med. health orientationGesundheitsorientierung {f}
comp. MedTech. image orientationBildorientierung {f}
instrumental orientationZweckorientiertheit {f}
international orientationinternationale Ausrichtung {f}
inward orientationInnenorientierung {f}
inward orientation [of a country, organization]Binnenorientierung {f}
life orientationLebensorientierung {f}
anat. limb orientationExtremitätenausrichtung {f}
econ. market orientationMarktorientierung {f}
econ. marketing orientationAbsatzorientierung {f}
marketing orientationAnsatzorientierung {f}
psych. mental orientationmentale Orientierung {f}
chem. molecule orientationMolekülorientierung {f}
new orientationNeuausrichtung {f}
comp. object orientationObjektorientierung {f}
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A 2017-03-20: Z.B. +visual orientation \ searching gaze+
A 2016-02-11: Perhaps interpersonal orientation?
A 2016-02-01: no political orientation implied
Q 2015-05-07: orientation workspace
A 2015-03-11: orientation
A 2015-03-11: orientation ???
Q 2013-04-02: orientation key
A 2012-04-16: local orientation
A 2011-11-23: maintains a certain logic or orientation - nothing else to quibble with
A 2011-03-31: orientation system for blind people
A 2011-03-21: is one of the persons who decide jointly about the future orientation of xxx
A 2010-02-21: orientation week ?
A 2009-11-16: which was to form the basis of a long-term re-orientation of the respectiv...
A 2009-07-07: spacial orientation
A 2009-06-27: rather: middle school with an orientation towards more business administra...
Q 2009-06-26: längst ist die Orientierung verloren - any sense of orientation has long b...
A 2009-05-08: Format DIN long (110 x 220 mm), horizontal orientation.
A 2009-03-25: Furthermore: disorientation, lack of orientation, confusion, loss of bearings
A 2009-03-09: Setting out in writing the strategic objective of customer orientation
A 2009-02-09: I'd say: "The new administration will continue with the re-orientation ON ...

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