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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: originally developed
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Dictionary English German: originally developed

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originally {adv}originell
originally {adv}zuerst
originally {adv}zunächst
originally enough {adv}originellerweise
originally {adv}ursprünglich <urspr., ursp.>
originally {adv}von Hause aus
originally {adv} [from the beginning]von Anfang an
originally budgeted {adj}ursprünglich im Budget vorgesehen / eingeplant
to originally hail from ... [+ place]ursprünglich aus ... sein [Ort]
different than originally planned {adv}anders als ursprünglich geplant
relig. what human beings were originally meant to bedie ursprüngliche Bestimmung {f} des Menschen
idiom That's not what was originally intended.Das ist nicht im Sinne des Erfinders.
developed {adj} {past-p}ausgestaltet
constr. developed {adj} {past-p}bebaut
developed {past-p}entfaltet
developed {adj} {past-p}entwickelt
further developed {past-p}weiterentwickelt
highly developed {adj}ausgeprägt
highly developed {adj}hochentwickelt
newly developed {adj}neuentwickelt
RealEst. partially developed {adj}teilerschlossen
under-developed {adj}rückständig
well-developed {adj}gutentwickelt
developed countryIndustrieland {n}
developed countryIndustriestaat {m}
developed viewAbwicklung {f}
sb. developedjd. entwickelte
sb. developedjd. erschloss
fully developed {adj}voll ausgebaut
fully developed {adj}voll entwickelt
fully developed {adj}voll erschlossen
highly developed {adj}hoch entwickelt
newly developed {adj}neu entwickelt
anat. psych. poorly developed {adj}gering entwickelt
self-developed {past-p}eigenständig entwickelt
under-developed {adj}technisch jung
med. VetMed. well developed {adj}kräftig entwickelt
developed countriesentwickelte Länder {pl}
developed countrieswirtschaftsstarke Staaten {pl}
developed worldentwickelte Welt {f}
not fully developed {adj}unausgereift
sb. developedjd. erschloß [alt]
admin. least developed country <LDC, LLDC>Least Developed Country {n} <LDC, LLDC>
archi. developed view of wallsWandabwicklung {f}
over-developed {adj}hochgezüchtet [System, Wohlfahrtsstaat etc.]
pol. developed countriesStaaten {pl} der Ersten Welt
[they] have developed[sie] haben sich entwickelt
less developed country <LDC>weniger entwickeltes Land {n}
fully developed sport regionvoll erschlossenes Sportgebiet {n}
ind. developed in-house {adj} [postpos.]eigenentwickelt [z. B. Verfahren]
sb. has / had developedjd. hat / hatte erschlossen
least developed countries <LDCs, LLDCs>LDC-Länder {pl} [ugs.]
nations which are less developedweniger entwickelte Länder {pl}
developed {adj} {past-p} [e.g. for tourism]erschlossen [z. B. touristisch]
biol. plant / animal that does not survive in areas developed by manKulturflüchter {m}
tech. The machine has developed a fault.Bei der Maschine ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
I've developed a bit of a tummy. [coll.]Ich habe mir ein Bäuchlein angefuttert. [ugs.]
photo. to get a film developedeinen Film entwickeln lassen
photo. to have a film developedeinen Film entwickeln lassen
admin. least developed countries <LDCs, LLDCs>LDC / LDCs {pl} [Least Developed Countries] [am wenigsten entwickelte Länder]
meteo. cloud generally dissolving or becoming less developed during past hour [WMO code 01]Wolkenauflösung {f} oder -rückentwicklung während der letzten Stunde
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