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Dictionary English German: oscillator

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
NOUN   an oscillator | oscillators
electr. oscillator
Schwingungserzeuger {m} [Oszillator]
Oszillator {m}
oscillatorVerreiberzylinder {m} [Druckmaschine]
2 Words: Nouns
blocking oscillatorSperroszillator {m}
blocking oscillatorSperrschwinger {m}
phys. carcinotron (oscillator)Carcinotron {n}
biol. circadian oscillator [biologic clock]zirkadiane Uhr {f}
phys. crystal oscillatorKristalloszillator {m}
electr. crystal oscillator [quartz]Schwingquarz {m}
phys. tech. Duffing oscillatorDuffing-Oszillator {m}
phys. friction oscillatorReibschwinger {m}
phys. harmonic oscillatorharmonischer Oszillator {m}
electr. internal oscillatorinterner Oszillator {m}
optics tools laser oscillatorLaseroszillator {m} [auch: Laser-Oszillator]
master oscillatorMutteroszillator {m}
oscillator circuitOszillatorschwingkreis {m}
electr. oscillator frequencyOszillatorfrequenz {f}
oscillator strengthOszillatorstärke {f}
phys. parametric oscillatorparametrischer Oszillator {m}
electr. phys. precision oscillatorPräzisionsoszillator {m}
electr. quartz oscillatorQuarzoszillator {m}
electr. reference oscillatorReferenzoszillator {m}
electr. relaxation oscillatorKippgenerator {m}
electr. relaxation oscillatorKippschwinger {m}
tech. tube oscillatorRöhrenoszillator {m}
3 Words: Nouns
phys. backward-wave oscillator <BWO>Carcinotron {n}
phys. backward-wave oscillator <BWO>Backward-wave Oszillator {m} <BWO>
beat frequency oscillator <BFO>Schwebungsüberlagerer {m} [Telegrafie]
electr. beat-frequency oscillator <BFO>Überlagerungsoszillator {m} [z. B. Amateurfunk]
audio electr. digitally controlled oscillator <DCO>digital gesteuerter Oszillator {m}
free running oscillatorfreischwingender Oszillator {m}
electr. grid dip oscillator <GDO>Grid-Dip-Oszillator {m} <GDO> [Grid-Dipper, Grid-Dip-Meter]
electr. low-frequency oscillator <LFO>Tieffrequenzoszillator {m}
audio electr. numerically controlled oscillator <NCO>numerisch gesteuerter Oszillator {m}
phys. optical parametric oscillator <OPO>optisch parametrischer Oszillator {m} <OPO>
electr. retarding-field oscillatorBremsfeldoszillator {m}
electr. sine-wave oscillatorSinusoszillator {m}
electr. square-wave oscillatorRechteckoszillator {m}
electr. variable frequency oscillator <VFO>Oszillator {m} mit veränderbarer Frequenz
audio electr. voltage-controlled oscillator <VCO>spannungsgesteuerter Oszillator {m}
4 Words: Nouns
electr. oven-controlled crystal oscillator <OCXO>ofengesteuerter Quarzoszillator {m}
electr. temperature compensated crystal oscillator <TCXO>temperaturkompensierter Quarzoszillator {m}
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A 2011-05-12: interchangeable oscillator unit
A 2008-11-14: Sounds like a "crystal controlled" oscillator resonating at set harmonics
A 2004-03-12: current-controlled oscillator (?)

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