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English-German translation for: others.
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Dictionary English German: others

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PRON  other | other | other's
others {pron}
others {pron}andre [andere]
(the) others
Fremde {pl}
(the) others(die) Fremden {pl}
2 Words: Others
among others {adv}unter anderem <u. a.>
among others {adv}unter anderen [Personen]
amongst others [esp. Br.]unter anderen
and othersund andere
and othersund anderes <u. a.>
and othersund andre <u. a.> [selten] [und andere]
still otherswieder andere
2 Words: Verbs
to outyield othersbesseren Ertrag abwerfen als andere
to undersell (others)wohlfeiler verkaufen (als andere) [veraltend]
2 Words: Nouns
significant othersdie Meinigen {pl}
3 Words: Others
ahead of others {adv}anderen voraus
all the others {pron}alle anderen
and others againund andere wiederum
and still othersund noch andere wiederum
and yet othersund andere wiederum
before all others {adv}vor allen anderen
others like it {pron}ihresgleichen [von Dingen]
Others quickly followed.Andere folgten schnell.
some ..., others ... [for a comparison]die einen ..., die anderen ...
3 Words: Verbs
sociol. to associate with others [to keep company with others]sichAkk. vergesellschaften [mit anderen verkehren]
to enjoy mocking othersspottsüchtig sein
to lean on otherssichAkk. auf andere verlassen
to live on othersschmarotzen
to present sth. to others [e.g. a joke, poem, song]etw.Akk. zum Besten geben [geh.] [Redewendung] [z. B. einen Witz, ein Gedicht, ein Lied]
3 Words: Nouns
awareness of othersFremdwahrnehmung {f}
philos. being-for-othersFüreinandersein {n}
philos. duties to othersPflichten {pl} gegenüber anderen
philos. experience of others [also: experience of the other]Fremderfahrung {f}
respectfulness of othersRücksicht {f} auf andere
risk to othersGefahr {f} für andere
service to othersDienst {m} an anderen
constr. supplied by others [Br.]bauseitige Lieferung {f}
4 Words: Others
... I leave to others.... überlasse ich anderen.
(others of) her ilk {pron}ihresgleichen
(others of) his ilk {pron}seinesgleichen
(others of) their ilk {pron}ihresgleichen
a good many others {pron}viele andere
traffic Allow others to merge [road sign]Einfädeln lassen [Verkehrszeichen]
different to many othersanders als manch andere
on behalf of others {adv}auf fremde Rechnung
4 Words: Verbs
to arrive before the othersvor den anderen ankommen
to keep ahead of othersin Führung bleiben
to show consideration for othersauf andere Rücksicht nehmen
drugs to smoke pot with othersmitkiffen
5+ Words: Others
as a warning to otherszur Warnung für andere
proverb Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.Was du nicht willst, das man dir tu', das füg' auch keinem andern zu.
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Q 2025-01-11: 'We could be each others spark A guy like me is a fuse '
A 2024-11-25: ....some are more equal than others.
A 2023-07-03: There are lots of idioms that can be used in more formal writing, and othe...
A 2021-12-21: Our timepieces tick just unlike others.
A 2021-04-08: I have more difficulty managing stress (than others).
Q 2020-06-09: @Paul and others: [geh.] or not [geh.] ?
A 2019-12-24: it means: One of them ist the culprit in any case, never mind the others w...
Q 2019-08-09: make money at the expense of others
A 2019-07-25: I'm happy to put the philosophy entry through if others will support the vote
Q 2019-05-05: Those who don't allow for the stupidiity of others are also stupid.
A 2019-02-09: Others came on bike.
A 2018-05-10: It depends on how you've translated the others,
A 2018-05-02: If you don't think it's useful, that means it's not useful to you, not tha...
A 2018-01-11: Diff: among others ~ among other +persons;+ inter alia > among other +things+
A 2017-12-25: Merry christmas ddr and to all the others!
A 2017-10-26: Perhaps in the sense of standing on the shoulders of others but on purpose...
A 2017-10-11: For the record, Chambers just gives +secretive+ — but the others illustrat...
A 2017-08-11: If the others are "wrong", then so is the first one.
A 2017-04-02: And others
A 2017-01-12: @ aphoenix (and others)

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