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English-German translation for: our
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Dictionary English German: our

Translation 1 - 50 of 506  >>

English German
PRON   we | us | our [adj]/ours [pron]
SYNO   Our | Ur [veraltet]
our {pron} [determiner]
2 Words: Others
our equals {pron}unseresgleichen
our latest ... [product, project, software package, etc.]unser jüngstes ... [Produkt, Projekt, Softwarepaket usw.]
our sort {pron} [coll.]unsereiner [ugs.]
our sort {pron} [coll.]unsereins [ugs.]
Our thanks!Unser Dank!
2 Words: Verbs
to our disadvantagegegen uns
to our specificationsnach unseren Vorgaben
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Our (River)Ur {f} [veraltet] [Our]
relig. Our FatherVaterunser {n}
bibl. relig. Our Father [Lord's Prayer]Unser Vater {n} [Vaterunser] [bes. in evangelisch-reformierten Gemeinden]
relig. Our Father [Lord's Prayer]Vater unser {n} {m} [regional] [Vaterunser]
relig. Our LadyUnsere Liebe Frau {f}
ethn. our mob [Aus.] [Australian Aboriginal][Selbstbezeichnung der Aborigines, etwa: unsere Leute]
our referenceunser Zeichen {n}
our shareunser Anteil {m}
3 Words: Others
naut. across our bow {adv}quer vor unserm Bug
as our representativeals unser Vertreter
comm. as our travellerals unser Reisender
at our age {adv}in unserem Alter
at our approachals wir uns näherten
at our doorstepan unserer Haustür
at our endan unserem Ort
at our establishmentan unserem Geschäft
at our expense {adv}zu unseren Kosten
at our expense {adv}zu unseren Lasten
at our home {adv}bei uns daheim [bes. südd., österr., schweiz.]
at our home {adv}bei uns zu Hause [auch: bei uns zuhause]
at our housebei uns
at our placebei uns
at our risk {adv}auf unser Risiko
below our expectationsunter unseren Erwartungen
by our standards {adv}für unsere Begriffe
by our standards {adv}für unsere Maßstäbe
by our standards {adv}für unsere Verhältnisse
by our standards {adv}nach unseren Maßstäben
for our part {adv}unsererseits
for our part {adv}unsresteils [selten] [auch: unseresteils, unsererseits]
for our sake {adv}unseretwegen
for our sake {adv}unserthalben
for our sake {adv}unsertwegen
for our sake {adv}um unsertwillen
from our midst {adv}aus unserer Mitte
He's our hope.Er ist unser Hoffnungsträger.
rail travel in our compartment {adv}in unserem Abteil
in our country {adv}bei uns zulande [alt]
in our country {adv}in unserem Land
in our country {adv}bei uns zu Lande
in our day {adv} [at present]in unserer Gegenwart
idiom in our days {adv}zu unserer Zeit
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A 2024-03-11: I see the term as "Mensch-SEIN" , our existence as a human being - personhood
Q 2023-08-26: Our Paul has taken up paragliding
A 2023-03-28: In answer to geotadams - our opinions diverge
A 2022-10-13: to our satisfaction
A 2022-05-29: Source. Where has our friend +Leop22+ from the +Federated States of Micron...
Q 2022-05-28: To our native speakers: Can 'lattice' as such mean "Gitterfenster or "Gitt...
A 2022-03-07: "in our hearts a world that never perishes" may well be it
A 2021-12-21: Our timepieces tick just unlike others.
A 2021-07-09: Kenn ich aus dem Lied von Madness 'Our House'... Popmusik bildet! ;)
A 2021-03-17: The lessee agrees that their data may also be used for the purpose of send...
Q 2020-12-23: "Our ovaries are dying right now."
A 2020-11-12: Als Werbung: Our delivery times are keenly calculated
Q 2020-10-21: "gravity ... working on our favor" >>> Präposition ok?
A 2020-08-27: destilled (here in the sense of: manipulated, adjusted, composed) in a way...
A 2020-06-25: Naming keeps our business operating
Q 2020-06-24: Naming keeps our lights on, so we’re dangerously good at it.
A 2020-02-17: We would also be delighted to work out an agreement with you regarding rec...
A 2020-02-10: Fern und dem innersten Wesen widerstrebend > Far from and repugnant to our...
Q 2019-09-12: Re-worlding our knowledge
A 2019-06-10: All our supplies are subject to the terms and conditions set out above

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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