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English-German translation for: overall
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Dictionary English German: overall

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ADJ   overall | more overall | most overall
NOUN   an overall | overalls
SYNO   boilers suit | boilersuit | overall
NOUN   der Overall | die Overalls
SYNO   Blaumann | Einteiler | Ganzanzug ... 
overall {adv}
overall {adj} [attr.]
overall {adj}
overall {adj} [attr.]
übergreifend [Gesamt-]
overall {adj} [attr.]
overall {adv}alles in allem (betrachtet)
overall {adv}im Großen und Ganzen
cloth. overalled {adj} {past-p}einen Overall tragend
cloth. jumpsuit
Overall {m}
cloth. coverall [Am.]
Overall {m}
cloth. overall
Arbeitskleidung {f}
cloth. overall
Ganzkörperanzug {m}
cloth. overall
Schutzanzug {m}
cloth. overall
Arbeitsmantel {m}
cloth. coveralls [Am.]
Overall {m}
cloth. overall
Montur {f} [Arbeitsanzug]
cloth. overall
Overall {m}
cloth. overall [trousers]
Überziehhose {f}
cloth. overall
Arbeitsoverall {m}
cloth. overallÜberanzug {m} [selten] [Overall]
2 Words: Others
sports 23rd overall23. in der Gesamtwertung
econ. overall economic {adj}gesamtwirtschaftlich
overall European {adj}gesamteuropäisch
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. (blue) overallBlaumann {m}
cloth. baby jumpsuitBaby-Overall {m}
cloth. boiler suit [esp. Br.]Overall {m}
cloth. disposable overallEinwegoverall {m}
cloth. jump suitOverall {m}
naut. length overall <LOA>Länge {f} über alles <Lüa, LA>
overall accountsGesamtrechnungskonten {pl}
math. stat. tech. overall accuracyGesamtgenauigkeit {f}
overall aimallgemeine Zielsetzung {f}
overall analysisGesamtanalyse {f}
overall appearanceGesamterscheinung {f}
overall applicabilityglobale Anwendbarkeit {f}
overall areaGesamtfläche {f}
overall assessmentGesamtbetrachtung {f}
overall assessmentGesamtbeurteilung {f}
overall assessment [evaluation]Gesamtbewertung {f}
overall averageGesamtdurchschnitt {m}
fin. overall balance [between various types of entities]Gesamtbilanz {f}
overall breadthGesamtbreite {f}
overall brightnessGesamthelligkeit {f}
overall budgetGesamthaushalt {m}
overall burdenGesamtbelastung {f}
fin. overall capitalGesamtkapital {n}
overall chairmanshipGesamtvorsitz {m}
sports overall championGesamtsieger {m}
overall chargePauschalgebühr {f}
chem. spec. overall concentrationGesamtkonzentration {f}
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Q 2020-03-06: rigid adherence to a rule and ends up destroying the overall objective
Q 2017-04-25: "overall total" vs. "total"
A 2016-10-13: The overall long-term death rate is, everywhere and inevitably, 100%.
A 2016-05-03: The law represents overall control of the system by powers residing on the...
Q 2016-02-22: Overall unhealthiness score
A 2015-03-03: Logic - overall hypothetical context
A 2014-10-31: overall company sounds great ;) thx
A 2014-07-10: at Michael - good link, saved it for my own use, I still believe that the ...
A 2014-05-05: For the purposes of early warning, containment has to be tackled in the ov...
A 2013-11-06: Seems pretty good to me overall!
A 2013-08-11: @ ufriend, wenn der overall winner das Auto ist, ich aber nur den Namen de...
A 2013-08-11: I suppose you should really keep overall/outright in there :-)
Q 2013-04-07: overall award
A 2012-06-21: separate decision-making for each module - overall assessment
A 2012-05-02: a pale stone that has faded in to the overall gloom
A 2012-05-02: a pale stone that has faded into the overall gloom
Q 2012-05-02: a pale stone that has faded into the overall gloom
A 2012-02-18: 'In order to enable an initial categorization of the described elements in...
A 2012-01-15: overall vs. comprehensive
A 2012-01-15: overall solutions in electrical technology

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overall area
overall assessment
overall average

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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