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English-German translation for: overseas
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Dictionary English German: overseas

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

English German
ADJ   overseas | - | -
SYNO   abroad | overseas | oversea
overseas {adj} [abroad]
overseas {adj} [attr.]
overseas {adj}
overseas {adj} [abroad]
overseas {adj} {adv}in Übersee
overseas {adj} {adv}nach Übersee
overseas {adj} {adv} [abroad]im Ausland
overseas {adj} [attr.]aus Übersee [nachgestellt]
overseas {adv} [to foreign country]ins Ausland
2 Words: Others
transp. travel TrVocab. from overseas {adv}aus Übersee
transp. travel TrVocab. from overseas {adv}von Übersee
2 Words: Nouns
econ. account overseas [Am.]Auslandskonto {n}
overseas adventuresAuslandsabenteuer {pl}
overseas aidEntwicklungshilfe {f}
overseas assignmentAuslandseinsatz {m} [Entsendung]
fin. overseas bankÜberseebank {f}
comm. overseas branchAuslandsniederlassung {f}
comm. overseas branchausländische Niederlassung {f}
relig. overseas churchesÜberseekirchen {pl}
overseas coloniesÜberseekolonien {pl}
overseas colonyÜberseekolonie {f}
overseas competitorsKonkurrenten {pl} aus Übersee
overseas competitorsKonkurrenten {pl} in Übersee
naut. transp. overseas containerÜberseecontainer {m}
overseas countriesÜberseeländer {pl}
geogr. hist. pol. overseas country [of France]Überseeland {n}
overseas customersKunden {pl} in Übersee
mil. overseas deploymentAuslandseinsatz {m}
travel overseas destinationsÜberseedestinationen {pl}
journ. overseas editionÜberseeausgabe {f}
hist. overseas empireÜberseeimperium {n}
overseas experience [esp. NZ] <OE>Auslandserfahrung {f}
econ. fin. overseas investmentAuslandsinvestition {f}
fin. overseas loanAuslandsanleihe {f}
overseas marketsMärkte {pl} in Übersee
overseas migrationÜberseewanderung {f}
geogr. pol. overseas possessionsüberseeische Besitzungen {pl}
overseas postingVersetzung {f} ins Ausland
educ. overseas practicumAuslandspraktikum {n}
econ. overseas productionAuslandsproduktion {f}
overseas productionÜberseeproduktion {f}
geogr. pol. overseas provinceÜberseeprovinz {f}
overseas removalÜberseeumzug {m}
comm. econ. overseas sales {pl}Absatz {m} im Ausland
comm. overseas sales {pl}Verkauf {m} nach Übersee
overseas stay [stay abroad]Auslandsaufenthalt {m}
overseas territoriesÜberseegebiete {pl}
overseas territoriesüberseeische Besitzungen {pl}
pol. overseas territoryÜberseegebiet {n}
geogr. pol. overseas territoryÜberseeterritorium {n}
geogr. pol. overseas territoryÜbersee-Territorium {n} [auch: Überseeterritorium]
overseas tradeFernhandel {m}
comm. overseas tradeÜberseehandel {m}
overseas tripÜberseereise {f}
overseas visitorBesucher {m} aus dem Ausland
trip overseasAuslandsreise {f}
3 Words: Verbs
comm. to promote overseas tradeden Überseehandel fördern
to sell goods overseasWare in Übersee verkaufen
3 Words: Nouns
(outlying / overseas) possessionAußenbesitzung {f}
geogr. pol. British overseas territoriesbritische Überseegebiete {pl}
business transacted overseasAuslandsgeschäft {n}
geogr. French overseas departmentfranzösisches Überseedepartement {n}
letter going overseasAuslandsbrief {m}
insur. overseas health insuranceAuslandskrankenversicherung {f}
4 Words: Others
packed for carriage overseasseemäßig verpackt
4 Words: Verbs
comm. econ. to develop an overseas marketeinen Überseemarkt erschließen
4 Words: Nouns
aviat. hist. British Overseas Airways CorporationBOAC {f}
museum of overseas ethnologyÜberseemuseum {n} [Bremen]
EU geogr. Overseas Territories of France [European Parliament constituency]französische Überseegebiete {pl}
5+ Words: Others
comm. at the overseas dealer's risk {adv}auf Gefahr des Überseehändlers
comm. This will promote overseas trade.Dies wird den Überseehandel fördern.
5+ Words: Nouns
geogr. pol. French overseas departments and territoriesfranzösische Übersee-Départements {pl} und Übersee-Regionen
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Q 2018-12-16: overseas
A 2018-12-13: Ist für Kontinentaleuropäer England dann "overseas" oder "abroad" (und umg...
Q 2018-12-13: abroad verus overseas
A 2016-10-04: @ Catesse: (Of course, for Australia everywhere else is "overseas".)
A 2014-11-22: His decision to live overseas grieved his mother
A 2014-11-22: sometimes it works, however: "His decision to live overseas grieved his mother"
A 2011-11-14: The monarchies of Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway also have overseas p...
A 2010-06-13: once they were called escort .... I know a lady, she is now in her "ni...
A 2009-11-23: There are different reasons FOR companies DECIDING TO sell overseas
A 2009-11-23: For companies, there are different reasons *FOR* deciding to sell overseas.
Q 2008-11-16: offshore, overseas, abroad, in other countries
Q 2008-10-11: overseas, Poland and Czech Republic
A 2008-10-10: The cook from overseas would be Reagen, right? So maybe...
Q 2008-10-04: to buy "offsets" overseas
A 2007-01-31: Kanada: nicht "overseas",
A 2007-01-30: von GB aus ist alles "overseas"
Q 2007-01-30: overseas
A 2004-10-01: Cut the "Overseas or"
A 2004-05-04: stimmt auch wieder, just figured overseas is more 'sophisticated' ;)
A 2004-05-04: most of our clients/customers do business overseas

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