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English-German translation for: ownership
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Dictionary English German: ownership

Translation 1 - 50 of 152  >>

English German
NOUN   an ownership | ownerships
SYNO   ownership | possession
law ownership
Eigentum {n} [an etw.]
law ownership
Besitz {m}
Eigentumsrecht {n}
comm. ownership
Inhaberschaft {f}
Eigentümerschaft {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to assume ownershipdas Eigentum übernehmen
to change ownershipden Eigentümer wechseln
law to transfer ownershipEigentum übertragen
2 Words: Nouns
absolute ownershipEigentum {n}
absolute ownershipabsolute Eigentümerschaft {f}
beneficial ownershipNießbrauchberechtigung {f}
econ. beneficial ownershipwirtschaftliches Eigentum {n}
hist. law spec. beneficial ownership [dominium utile]Nutzeigentum {n}
car ownershipAutobesitz {m}
co-ownershipMiteigentümerschaft {f}
co-ownershipMiteigentumsrecht {n}
collective ownershipGemeinschaftseigentum {n}
collective ownershipKollektivbesitz {m}
collective ownershipMiteigentümerschaft {f}
common ownershipgemeinsame Eigentümerschaft {f}
communal ownershipGemeindeeigentum {n}
communal ownershipGemeinschaftsbesitz {m}
law condominium ownershipStockwerkeigentum {n} [schweiz.]
agr. econ. hist. estate ownership ["second serfdom"]Gutsherrschaft {f}
RealEst. home ownershipHausbesitz {m}
RealEst. home ownershipWohneigentum {n}
RealEst. home ownershipWohnungseigentum {n}
law joint ownershipBruchteilsvermögen {n}
joint ownershipMitbesitz {m}
joint ownershipMiteigentum {n}
joint ownershipMiteigentümergemeinschaft {f}
joint ownershipMiteigentümerschaft {f}
joint ownershipgemeinsamer Besitz {m}
RealEst. land ownershipBodeneigentum {n}
RealEst. land ownershipGrundbesitz {m}
RealEst. land ownershipImmobilienbesitz {m}
land ownershipLandbesitz {m}
land ownershipRealitätenbesitz {m} [veraltet]
law legal ownershipRechtsinhaberschaft {f}
legal ownershiprechtmäßiger Besitz {m}
majority ownershipMajorität {f}
ownership certificateEigentumsbescheinigung {f}
ownership cultureEigentümerkultur {f}
ownership fractionUnternehmensanteil {m}
fin. ownership interestBeteiligungsquote {f}
libr. print ownership mark [e.g. in a book]Eigentümervermerk {m} [z. B. in einem Buch]
law ownership positionEigentümerstellung {f}
law ownership protectionEigentumssicherung {f}
ownership rateEigentümerquote {f}
fin. ownership rightBeteiligungsrecht {n}
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A 2023-04-09: Yes, the Confederate States were an apartheid dictatorship who were focuse...
A 2019-02-21: co-ownership > Miteigentum, Miteigentümerschaft
Q 2019-02-21: Deutsches Wort für co-ownership
A 2017-01-30: Please enter +Stockwerkeigentumsbegründung > establishment of storey owner...
A 2017-01-30: Found an Irish source: establishment of storey ownership
Q 2017-01-30: Stockwerkeigentumsbegründung - storey ownership (BE)/condominium (ownershi...
A 2016-03-15: ownership of premises ... ?
Q 2015-12-17: to have no ownership or other interest in any Net Revenues
A 2015-08-15: Compound ownership
A 2015-06-18: Of course one and the same person may be owner and possessor. What differs...
A 2014-12-28: Wenn das im Zusammenhang mit share, ownership, purchase, director und nomi...
A 2014-06-24: possession / ownership ..... Eigentum is not necessarily Besitz ....
A 2014-06-24: me once more: In order to transfer ownership of a vehicle, the "Fahrzeugbr...
A 2014-06-24: "Erworben" steht für den Erhalt des Eigentums - maybe: acquired ownership,...
A 2013-01-13: Legally, there is a major difference between ownership and possession: If ...
Q 2012-07-03: The ownership is private.
A 2012-06-29: Yes, it's the title certificate, a +Besitzdokument.+ The +Fahrzeugbrief+ i...
A 2012-04-02: widely spread share ownership / stock ownership
A 2011-09-29: ownership interest > Eigentumsanteil +(bitte in dict.cc einfügen!)+
Q 2011-09-29: Ownership interest versus participations in a Iimited partnership

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