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English-German translation for: ox
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Dictionary English German: ox

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NOUN   an ox | oxen/[also] ox
SYNO   ox | wild ox
zool. ox
Ochse {m}
zool. ox
Rind {n}
ox [prison sl.] [razor blade]
Rasierklinge {f}
zool. T
zool. T
ox {pl}
Ochsen {pl}
2 Words: Others
agr. transp. ox-drawn {adj}von Ochsen gezogen
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (ox) cheekOhrwangel {n} [österr.] [Ochsenbacken, Ochsenbäckchen]
clumsy oxtölpelhafter Ochse {m}
agr. hist. zool. draft ox [Am.]Zugochse {m}
agr. hist. zool. draught ox [Br.]Zugochse {m}
agr. fattened oxMastochse {m}
ox bloodOchsenblut {n}
transp. ox cartOchsenkarren {m}
transp. ox cartOchsenwagen {m}
gastr. ox cheeksOchsenbacken {pl}
gastr. ox eyes [Oeufs sur le plat] [fig.]Ochsenaugen {pl} [Setzeier] [fig.]
art med. pharm. ox gallOchsengalle {f}
art med. pharm. ox gallRindergalle {f} [auch Fel Tauri]
zool. ox hornOchsenhorn {n}
gastr. ox muzzleOchsenmaul {n}
zool. ox skullOchsenschädel {m}
gastr. ox tongueOchsenzunge {f}
gastr. ox tongueRinderzunge {f}
transp. ox wagonOchsenwagen {m}
agr. jobs transp. ox-driverOchsentreiber {m} [veraltet]
equest. ox-fenceOxer {m} [Hindernis beim Springreiten]
ox-hide [also: ox hide]Ochsenhaut {f}
gastr. roast oxOchsenbraten {m}
agr. zool. trek oxZugochse {m}
3 Words: Nouns
zool. female musk oxMoschusochsenweibchen {n} [auch: Moschusochsen-Weibchen]
zool. musk ox bullMoschusochsenbulle {m} [auch: Moschusochsen-Bulle]
zool. musk ox skullMoschusochsenschädel {m} [auch: Moschusochsen-Schädel]
ox kidney fatRindernierenfett {n}
gastr. ox muzzle saladOchsenmaulsalat {m}
agr. ox-drawn cartOchsengespann {n}
gastr. ox-eye cookies [Am.]Ochsenaugen {pl} [Gebäck]
4 Words: Others
idiom strong as an ox {adj} [postpos.]bullenstark [ugs.]
strong as an ox {adj} [postpos.]bärenstark [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
year of the ox [Chinese lunar calendar]Jahr {n} des Ochsen
5+ Words: Others
(as) strong as an ox {adj} [postpos.] [idiom](so) stark wie ein Ochse [Redewendung]
proverb He that will steal an egg, will steal an ox.Mit Kleinem fängt man an, mit Großem hört man auf.
bibl. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour's. [2nd part, tenth commandment, King James Version]Du sollst nicht begehren deines Nächsten Weib, Knecht, Magd, Rind, Esel, noch alles, was dein Nächster hat. [das zehnte Gebot nach Luther]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Ox-Bow Incident [William A. Wellman]Ritt zum Ox-Bow
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2014-12-25: Terz (m) > ox - LINK in confirmation
A 2012-12-19: ox-tongue slug?
A 2006-07-28: :ox
A 2006-07-07: gall soap oder ox-gall soap
Q 2005-03-04: bullock ox steer bull
A 2004-09-04: ploughing ox (US: plowing ox)

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