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English-German translation for: oyster
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Dictionary English German: oyster

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ADJ   oyster | more oyster | most oyster
NOUN   an oyster | oysters
SYNO   huitre | oyster
to oysterAustern sammeln
gastr. zool. T
Auster {f}
2 Words: Others
oyster gray {adj} [Am.]austerngrau
oyster grey {adj} [Br.]austerngrau
2 Words: Nouns
oyster bankAusternbank {f}
gastr. oyster barAusternbar {f}
oyster barrelAusternfass {n}
zool. oyster bedAusternbank {f}
oyster bedAusternpark {m}
agr. oyster cultureAusternkultur {f} [Austernzucht]
agr. oyster cultureAusternzucht {f}
fish oyster dredgeSchleppnetz {n} [z. B. für Austernfischerei]
oyster farmAusternfarm {f}
fish jobs oyster farmerAusternzüchter {m}
fish jobs oyster farmer [female]Austernzüchterin {f}
agr. oyster farmingAusternkultur {f} [Austernzucht]
oyster farmingAusternwirtschaft {f} [veraltend] [Austernzucht]
agr. FoodInd. oyster farmingAusternzucht {f} [das Züchten von Austern]
oyster festivalAusternfest {n}
fish jobs oyster fishermanAusternfischer {m}
gastr. oyster forkAusterngabel {f}
oyster gatherersAusternsammler {pl}
oyster gloveAusternhandschuh {m}
oyster gray [Am.]Austerngrau {n}
oyster grey [Br.]Austerngrau {n}
fish oyster harvestingAusternernte {f} [Vorgang]
gastr. tools oyster knifeAusternmesser {n}
gastr. oyster openerAusternbrecher {m}
gastr. oyster openerAusternöffner {m}
oyster parkAusternpark {m}
oyster piratesAusternpiraten {pl}
geol. zool. oyster reefAusternriff {n}
gastr. oyster sauceAusternsauce {f} [Würzsauce]
oyster seasonAusternzeit {f}
gastr. oyster setAusternbesteck {n}
gastr. oyster soupAusternsuppe {f}
geogr. Oyster State [nickname] [Maryland]Austern-Staat {m} [selten] [Spitzname für Maryland, USA]
gastr. tools oyster tongs {pl} [one pair]Austernzange {f}
jobs oyster wench [archaic]Austernkrämerin {f} [veraltet]
EU oyster white [RAL 1013]Perlweiß {n} [RAL 1013]
gastr. prairie oyster [cocktail]Prärieauster {f} [Cocktail]
gastr. prairie oyster [cocktail]Prairie Oyster {m} [Cocktail]
4 Words: Nouns
shell of an oysterAusternschale {f}
5+ Words: Others
idiom And did you ever see an oyster walk upstairs?Erzähle mir keine Märchen!
idiom And did you ever see an oyster walk upstairs?Ja - und die Erde ist eine Scheibe!
idiom The world is his oyster.Die Welt liegt ihm zu Füßen. [steht jdm. offen]
The world is your oyster. [fig.]Die Welt liegt dir zu Füßen. [fig.] [Redewendung]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
bot. T
zool. T
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A 2020-11-15: Parents or guardians look after those mildly criminal hopefuls: Zip Oyste...
A 2016-05-23: Oyster
A 2014-11-25: Corresponds to an Oyster Card in London
A 2014-11-02: https://www.tfl.gov.uk/travel-information/visiting-london/visitor-oyster-card
A 2010-11-07: the world is your oyster
A 2009-09-26: The world is my oyster.
A 2008-07-13: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22the+world+is+your+oyster%22&btnG...

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