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| chem. para-phenylenediamine <PPD, p-phenylenediamine> [1,4-diaminobenzene] | para-Phenylendiamin {n} <PPD, p-Phenylendiamin> [1,4-Diaminobenzol] | |
Partial Matches |
| naut. length between perpendiculars <p/p, p.p., pp, LPP, LBP, Length BPP> | Länge {f} zwischen den Loten <LzdL> | |
| stat. probability value <p-value, p> | p-Wert {m} <p> [Wahrscheinlichkeitswert] | |
| stat. p-value | Signifikanzwert {m} <p, p-Wert> | |
| nucl. partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T> | Abtrennung und Umwandlung | |
| ling. present participle <ppr, ppr., p.pr.; pres-p> [abbrev. "pres-p" used in dict.cc] | Partizip {n} Präsens [Partizip I] <Part. Präs.; pres-p> [Abk. „pres-p“ in dict.cc verwendet] | |
| med. pharm. per os {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration] | peroral <p.o.> | |
| chem. meta-phenylenediamine <MPD, m-phenylenediamine> [1,3-diaminobenzene] | meta-Phenylendiamin {n} <MPD, m-Phenylendiamin> [1,3-Diaminobenzol] | |
| chem. ortho-phenylenediamine <OPD, o-phenylenediamine> [1,2-diaminobenzene] | Ortho-Phenylendiamin {n} <OPD, o-Phenylendiamin> [1,2-Diaminobenzol] | |
| electr. p-channel / P-channel transistor | p-Kanal- / P-Kanal-Transistor {m} | |
| chem. phenylenediamine | Phenylendiamin {n} | |
| textil. purl [purl stitch] <p, P> | linke Masche {f} <li M> | |
| idiom P as in Peter [esp. Am.] | P wie Paula | |
| page <p.> | Pagina {f} <p., pag.> [veraltet] [Seite, Buchseite] | |
| by proxy {adv} <p.p.> | per Prokura <pp., ppa.> | |
| textil. purl stitch <p, P> | linke Masche {f} <li M> | |
| electr. p-type conduction [hole conduction] | p-Leitung {f} [Löcherleitung] | |
| postage and packing <P&P> | Porto und Verpackung | |
| care of <c/o> | per Adresse <p. A., p. Adr.> | |
| Internet and so on <ASO> | perge, perge <pp / p.p.> [geh.] | |
| stocks price-to-book ratio <P/B ratio, P/BV> | Kurs-Buchwert-Verhältnis {n} <KBV> | |
| unit pico- {prefix} <p> [10 ^ -12] | Piko- <p> | |
| med. post-partum {adj} <pp., p.p.> | postpartal | |
| idiom P for Peter | P wie Paula | |
| math. p-adic number | p-adische Zahl {f} | |
| ling. P-Celtic languages | p-keltische Sprachen {pl} | |
| chem. pharm. p-coumaric acid [C9H8O3] | p-Cumarsäure {f} | |
| chem. p-aminophenyl-arsonic acid | p-Aminophenylarsonsäure {f} | |
| tech. piping and instrumentation diagram <P&I diagram, P&ID> | Rohrleitungs- und Instrumentenfließbild {n} <RI-Fließbild> | |
| post-paid {adj} {past-p} <p.p.> | freigemacht | |
| audio phys. acoustic pressure <p> | Schalldruck {m} <p> | |
| audio phys. sound pressure <p> | Schalldruck {m} <p> | |
| biochem. P-selectin molecule | P-Selectinmolekül {n} | |
| biochem. P-selectin molecules | P-Selectinmoleküle {pl} | |
| math. p-Sylow subgroup | p-Sylowuntergruppe {f} | |
| electr. p-type conductivity | p-Leitfähigkeit {f} | |
| electr. p-type doping | p-Dotierung {f} | |
| electr. p-type semiconductor | p-Halbleiter {m} | |
| math. Sylow p-subgroup | p-Sylowuntergruppe {f} | |
| traffic Park & Ride <P&R, P+R> [Br.] [traffic sign] | Parken und Reisen [Verkehrszeichen] | |
| med. MedTech. pressure-controlled mandatory ventilation <PCMV, P-CMV> | P-CMV-Beatmung {f} [auch: PCMV-Beatmung] | |
| med. postmortem {adj} {adv} <p.m., PM> [after death] | post mortem <p. m.> [geh.] [nach dem Tode] | |
| pharm. quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted] | nach Belieben | |
| [with full title (of a person)] | pleno titulo <P. T. / p. t.> [bes. österr.] [veraltet] | |
| pharm. quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted] | so viel beliebt | |
| med. pharm. peroral {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration] | durch den Mund [nachgestellt] | |
| chem. para-dichlorobenzene <p, DCB> [1,4-dichlorobenzene] | Paradichlorbenzol {n} <PDCB, p-DCB> | |
| profit and loss <P/L, P&L> | Gewinn und Verlust <GuV> | |
| ling. print p [letter] | p {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling. print P [letter] | P {n} [Buchstabe] | |
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More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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