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English-German translation for: pads
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Dictionary English German: pads

Translation 1 - 38 of 38


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NOUN   a pad | pads
VERB  to pad | padded | padded
padding | pads
NOUN   das Pad | die Pads
Polster {pl}
Felder {pl}
padsPölster {pl} [österr.]
2 Words: Nouns
med. alcohol padsAlkoholtupfer {pl}
sports batting pads {pl} [cricket]Beinschutz {m}
tech. brake padsBremsbeläge {pl} [Scheibenbremsen]
tech. brake padsBremsklötze {pl} [Scheibenbremsen]
med. chewing padsKauschwielen {pl}
gastr. coffee padsCafepads {pl} [selten für: Kaffeepads]
gastr. coffee padsKaffeepads {pl}
cloth. sports elbow pads [Br.]Ellbogenschützer {pl}
eye padsAugenpads {pl}
felt padsFilzgleiter {pl}
tech. friction padsBremsbeläge {pl} [Scheibenbremsen]
heel padsFersenpolster {pl}
incontinence padsEinlagen {pl} [für Inkontinente]
med. knuckle padsFingerknöchelpolster {pl}
equest. sports leg padsBeinschoner {pl}
nose pads [on spectacles]Brillenpads {pl}
nose pads [on spectacles]Nasenauflagen {pl} [an Brillen]
nose pads [on spectacles]Nasenpads {pl} [an Brillen]
nose pads [on spectacles]Pads {pl} [kurz für: Nasenpads]
nursing padsStilleinlagen {pl}
PUR padsPUR-Polster {pl}
saddle padsSchabracken {pl}
sanitary padsBinden {pl} [Damenbinden]
sanitary padsDamenbinden {pl}
scouring padsScheuerpads {pl}
mining shinbone padsSchienbeinschützer {pl}
cloth. shoulder padsSchulterpolster {pl}
anat. med. volar padsTastballen {pl}
writing padsSchreibblöcke {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
chem. copper capture padsAbsorptionsflächen {pl} aus Kupfer
MedTech. defibrillation electrode padsFast-Patches {pl} [Defibrillationselektroden]
constr. paving support padsStelzlager {pl}
silicone nose pads [on spectacles]Silikon-Nasenpads {pl} [an Brillen]
4 Words: Nouns
headrest with side padsKopfstütze {f} mit Backen
5+ Words: Nouns
anat. threshold pads of anal canal [Corpora cavernosa recti]hämorrhoidale Gefäßkörper {pl}
Feel free to link to this translation! Permanent link: https://www.dict.cc/?s=pads
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A 2013-07-12: yellow bags are used in care homes for all the pads ...... (Scotland) (E...
Q 2012-03-04: Text über elektrisches Messgerät - "attenuating pads" unbekannt
A 2011-11-28: Bauelementeanschlüsse auf Leiterplatten werden auch "pads" genannt.
Q 2011-07-14: installing grip pads, powerstand
A 2010-12-02: Full size/Thick/Maxi pads and +iPads+
Q 2010-05-28: Bosses and Pads (Parts of compressed gas cylinder)
Q 2009-09-26: Conference-* Desk pads and pens (Morning :) Would really appreciate c...
A 2009-06-01: vinegar detox foot patches/pads
A 2009-03-25: don't mix up pod = Kapsel mit pad = "pad" .... die pads sind wie Tee...
A 2008-10-09: "rocket launch(ing) pads"
A 2008-07-01: Trockenlegen > dry working field, Saugkissen > absorbent pad / ... for a...
A 2008-07-01: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22absorption+pads%22&bt...
A 2008-03-14: http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22heel+pads...
A 2008-03-14: ah-- - heel pads?
Q 2008-03-14: Healpads or Heal Pads
Q 2008-02-08: rolls ?; sliding pads ?
A 2007-12-16: equipment...so pads then...enormous thanks
A 2007-12-16: depends on what the kids were given: pads for writing, or packs with sth. ...
A 2007-12-15: either notepads / writing pads of sb. called Celia
A 2007-12-08: protective wall pads, wall padding, climbing wall mats, crash pads

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