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English-German translation for: pain
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Dictionary English German: pain

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NOUN1   a pain | pains
NOUN2   pain | -
VERB  to pain | pained | pained ... 
SYNO   annoyance | bother | botheration ... 
to pain
to pain sb.jdm. Schmerzen bereiten [seelisch]
Schmerz {m}
Leiden {n}
Qual {f}
pain {sg}
Schmerzen {pl}
Kummer {m}
Pein {f} [geh.]
Weh {n} [geh.] [Schmerz]
med. pain
Dolor {m}
2 Words: Others
from pain {adv}vor Schmerzen
in pain {adv}unter Schmerzen
in pain {adv}vor Schmerzen
in pain {adv} [walking, lying, sitting, etc.]mit Schmerzen [gehen, liegen, sitzen etc.]
pain-free {adj}schmerzfrei
med. pharm. pain-killing {adj}betäubend [schmerzstillend]
pain-killing {adj}schmerzbetäubend
pain-killing {adj}schmerzstillend
pain-related {adj}schmerzbedingt
pain-relieving {adj}schmerzlindernd
pain-relieving {adj}schmerzstillend
with pain {adv}vor Schmerzen
2 Words: Verbs
to abate painSchmerz lindern
to allay painSchmerz lindern
to allay painSchmerzen lindern
to alleviate painSchmerz lindern
med. pharm. to alleviate painSchmerz stillen
to alleviate painSchmerzen lindern
to assuage painSchmerzen lindern
to avoid painSchmerz vermeiden
to cause painSchmerz verursachen
to cause painSchmerzen bereiten
to cause sb. painjdm. Kummer bereiten
to ease painSchmerz lindern
to endure painSchmerz ertragen
to experience painSchmerz erleiden
to give painwehtun
to give painSchmerzen bereiten
to give sb. painjdm. Schmerzen bereiten
to pain sb.'s feelingsjds. Gefühle schmerzlich berühren
to perceive painSchmerz wahrnehmen
to relieve painSchmerzen lindern
to share sb.'s painmit jdm. mitfühlen
med. pharm. to soothe painSchmerz stillen
to suffer painSchmerzen haben
to suffer painunter Schmerzen leiden
2 Words: Nouns
med. (sudden) painStich {m} [Schmerz]
med. abdominal painAbdominalgie {f}
med. abdominal painAbdominalschmerz {m}
med. abdominal painBauchschmerz {m}
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A 2019-01-18: to pain ...
Q 2019-01-18: ... (she) is noted to open her eyes and flex the arms to pain.
A 2017-05-28: https://www.google.de/#q=%22das+pain+au+chocolat%22
Q 2017-05-28: Das (Der?) pain au chocolat
A 2017-01-23: It may refer to swelling (and pain) at the vaccination spot
A 2016-05-21: About time the Forum got rid of that bloody pain in the neck
A 2016-01-15: "I don't wanna be a pain in the ass." What's the context?
A 2015-12-30: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/joy-and-pain/201401/what-is-the-diffe...
A 2015-06-13: Kurioser Ausdruck +warm-up pain+ - beim Verlassen des warmen Bettes sind d...
Q 2014-11-05: abdominal pain, conjunctivitis etc.: allg. verständlich?
A 2014-09-22: pain analysis
A 2014-06-19: post-extraction pain
A 2014-06-19: phantom tooth pain findet sich schon relativ häufig ... defined as toothac...
A 2014-06-19: Das zu ergoogende "tooth-hole pain" gefällt mir auch nicht so recht.
A 2014-06-19: maybe you could say void / gap pain .... my not existing tooth pain .....
A 2014-06-19: like phantom pain ....
A 2013-09-16: Yesterday’s gain, today’s pain. ??
Q 2013-09-13: core pain statement
Q 2013-09-13: core emotional pain issue
A 2013-08-30: responded to the pain

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