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English-German translation for: pain in the neck
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Dictionary English German: pain in the neck

Translation 1 - 50 of 61490  >>

SYNO   annoyance | bother | botheration ... 
pain in the neckSchmerz {m} im Nacken
pain in the neck [coll.]Krampf {m} [ugs.] [Mühsal, Strapaze]
pain in the neck [coll.]Nervensäge {f} [ugs.]
pain in the neck [fig.] [pej.]Nervtöter {m} [ugs.]
Keywords contained
You're a pain in the neck.Du gehst mir auf die Nerven.
He's a pain in the neck. [coll.]Er geht mir auf die Nerven. [ugs.]
You're a pain in the neck! [coll.]Du bist unausstehlich!
to be a pain in the neck [coll.] [idiom]jdm. auf die Nerven gehen [ugs.]
to be a pain in the neck [coll.] [idiom]nerven [ugs.]
Partial Matches
med. neck painNackenschmerz {m}
med. neck pain {sg}Nackenschmerzen {pl}
to cut low in the neckim Nacken kurz schneiden
med. pain in the calfWadenschmerz {m}
med. pain in the chestSchmerz {m} in der Brust
med. pain in the earOhrenreißen {n} [ugs.] [Ohrenschmerzen]
pain in the headKopfweh {n} [ugs.]
med. pain in the hipHüftgelenkschmerz {m}
med. pain in the hipKoxalgie {f}
med. pain in the stomachMagenschmerz {m}
to stand neck-deep in (the) waterbis zum Hals im Wasser stehen
to stand neck-deep in the waterbis an den Hals im Wasser stehen
shot in (the back of) the neckGenickschuss {m}
med. pain {sg} in the abdomenBauchschmerzen {pl}
med. pain {sg} in the calfWadenschmerzen {pl}
med. pain {sg} in the limbsGliederschmerzen {pl}
med. pain in the hip [coxalgia]Hüftschmerzen {pl} [Koxalgie]
med. The pain comes in spasms.Die Schmerzen kommen anfallsweise.
a pain in the backein Schmerz {m} im Rücken
med. a pain in the stomachein Schmerz {m} im Magen
med. pain in the urinary bladderHarnblasenschmerz {m}
med. stabbing pain in the chestHerzschmerz {m}
idiom He got it in the neck. [Br.] [coll.]Er hat eins aufs Dach gekriegt. [ugs.]
in this neck of the woods {adv} [coll.] [expression]in diesen Breiten [Redewendung]
to catch it in the neck [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]eins aufs Dach kriegen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to get it in the neck [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]eins auf die Nase kriegen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to get it in the neck [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]eins aufs Dach kriegen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to get it in the neck [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]gescholten werden
med. pain {sg} in the coccyx [Coccygodynia]Steißbeinschmerzen {pl}
pain in the arse [Br.] [vulg.]Langweiler {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
pain in the ass [Am.] [vulg.]Nervtöter {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
pain in the backside [Br.] [coll.]Nervensäge {f} [ugs.]
med. to have a pain in the legSchmerzen im Bein haben
med. to have a pain in the stomaches im Magen haben [ugs.] [Magenbeschwerden haben]
med. pain {sg} in (the) lower abdomenSchmerzen {pl} im Unterbauch
to be up to one's neck in (the) workin (der) Arbeit ersticken
to get / catch it in the neck [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]Zunder kriegen [ugs.] [fig.]
dent. caries in / on / at the neck of the toothZahnhalskaries {f}
pain in the arse [female] [Br.] [vulg.]Langweilerin {f}
med. pain in / about the anus [anus pain]Anusschmerz {m}
med. pain in the small of the backKreuzschmerz {m} [ugs.]
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A 2016-05-21: About time the Forum got rid of that bloody pain in the neck
A 2010-12-15: Pain in the neck is very colloquial.
A 2010-08-31: Incognito, you know what? You are a pain in the neck.
A 2010-04-13: Sorry for my being a pain in the neck, but could you send me ...
A 2010-01-09: They are a pain in the neck....
A 2009-11-25: Sorry for being a pain in the neck
Q 2009-05-18: a petulant pain in the neck
A 2007-10-02: a pain in the neck (a pain in the ass, wenn du etwas Stärkeres willst)

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