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English-German translation for: painful
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Dictionary English German: painful

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

English German
ADJ   painful | more painful | most painful
SYNO   irritating | painful | afflictive ... 
painful {adj}
schmerzhaft [auch fig.]
painful {adj} [e.g. experience, loss]
schmerzlich [z. B. Erfahrung, Verlust]
painful {adj} [embarrassing]
peinlich [sehr unangenehm]
painful {adj}
painful {adj}
painful {adj}
painful {adj} [experience]
leidvoll [Erfahrung]
painful {adj}
med. painful {adj}
painful {adj}
painful {adj}
painful {adj}peinsam [selten] [schmerzlich, peinvoll]
2 Words: Others
(very) painful {adj}qualvoll
more painful {adj}qualvoller
most painful {adj}qualvollste
2 Words: Verbs
to be painfulschmerzen
2 Words: Nouns
(painful) aftermath {sg}Nachwehen {pl} [fig.] [Nachwirkungen]
painful affairpeinliche Angelegenheit {f}
painful awarenessschmerzliche Gewissheit {f}
painful certaintyschmerzliche Gewissheit {f}
painful correction [fig.]schmerzhafte Korrektur {f}
painful deathqualvoller Tod {m}
painful deathschmerzhafter Tod {m}
painful defeatschmerzliche Niederlage {f}
painful experienceschmerzliche Erfahrung {f}
med. painful jointsGelenkschmerzen {pl}
painful knowledgeschmerzliche Gewissheit {f}
painful newsschmerzliche Nachrichten {pl}
med. painful ophthalmoplegia [Ophthalmoplegia dolorosa] [Tolosa-Hunt syndrome]schmerzhafte Ophthalmoplegie {f}
med. painful palpationschmerzhaftes Abtasten {n}
painful pointschmerzhafte Stelle {f}
painful sceneschmerzliche Szene {f}
painful spotschmerzhafte Stelle {f}
med. painful swallowingschmerzhaftes Schlucken {n}
med. painful urinationDysurie {f}
med. painful urinationschmerzhafte Blasenentleerung {f}
med. painful urinationschmerzhaftes Wasserlassen {n}
med. painful woundschmerzende Wunde {f}
med. painful woundschmerzhafte Wunde {f}
3 Words: Others
Is it painful?Tut es weh?
med. painful on palpation {adj}druckdolent
Sth. is painful.Etw. tut weh.
3 Words: Nouns
med. (painful) arc syndrome [supraspinatus tendinitis of the shoulder]Impingementsyndrom {n} der Schulter
med. painful (sexual) intercourse [dyspareunia]schmerzhafter Koitus {m} [Dyspareunie]
med. painful abdominal crampsschmerzhafte Bauchkrämpfe {pl}
painful spot / areaschmerzende Stelle {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to die a painful deatheinen qualvollen Tod sterben
to die a painful deatheines schmerzlichen Todes sterben
dent. to have a painful toothZahnschmerzen haben
4 Words: Nouns
med. painful desire to voidschmerzhafter Harndrang {m}
med. painful neurogenic muscle hardeningschmerzhafte neurogene Muskelverhärtung {f}
med. sore and painful tonguewunde und schmerzende Zunge {f}
5+ Words: Others
It is my painful duty ...Ich habe die traurige Pflicht, ...
idiom It is my painful duty to inform you that ...Es ist mir sehr schmerzlich, Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass ...
proverb It's better to make a painful break than draw out the agony.Besser ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende.
5+ Words: Verbs
to bring up a painful subjectden Finger in die Wunde legen [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
med. painful fatigue-induced muscle hardeningschmerzhafte ermüdungsbedingte Muskelverhärtung {f}
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Q 2015-09-21: Straddling the fence is painful.
A 2013-11-12: And (yet) these painful insights and realizations were not all there was to it.
Q 2010-09-09: the past is painful because it's forever
A 2010-05-19: I second Bacca. The original is painful.
A 2010-05-08: a painful glare
Q 2010-01-29: Once more the painful genitive:
A 2009-09-21: Small correction: a charley horse is a *sudden* and painful muscle cramp—n...
A 2009-05-08: The German is painful. Typos: sichere, einzelnen
A 2009-05-05: The German is painful and shouldn't be translated...
A 2009-02-10: It is painful German and shouldn't be translated... :-)
A 2009-01-17: to face painful fines tät ich sagen.
A 2009-01-16: positiv kannte = painful German, as far as I know
A 2009-01-12: BTW the sentence is painful...
A 2008-10-16: ouch..sounds painful. see question above...does it still fit?
Q 2008-09-02: I’ll compare my painful stories with yours any day!
A 2008-02-08: painful / hurtful feelings
A 2008-01-31: loco-regional use of intra-cutanous small injections around e.g. a painful...
A 2007-08-29: do we actually say 'with a painful expression'??
A 2007-01-11: I know, it must be painful!
A 2006-11-05: Painful even for professional translators, too

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painful desire to void

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