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English-German translation for: painted
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Dictionary English German: painted

Translation 1 - 50 of 236  >>

English German
ADJ   painted | more painted | most painted
VERB  to paint | painted | painted ... 
SYNO   calico | motley | multi-color ... 
painted {adj} {past-p} [picture, landscape, etc.]
painted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. wall]
gestrichen [(mit Farbe) bemalt]
painted {adj} {past-p} [woman, face]
art painted {adj} {past-p}
getuscht [ugs.]
painted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. wall, surface, canvas]
painted {adj} {past-p}
painted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. wall]
angestrichen [z. B. Wand]
sb. painted
jd. malte
2 Words: Others
colorfully painted {adj} [Am.]bunt bemalt
colourfully painted {adj} [Br.]bunt bemalt
hand-painted {adj}handbemalt
newly painted {adj}frisch gestrichen
non-painted {adj}unlackiert
painted green {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]grün gestrichen
sb. painted overjd. übermalte
self-painted {adj}selbstgemalt
silver-painted {adj}silberlackiert
silver-painted {adj}silber lackiert
spray-painted {adj}spritzlackiert
2 Words: Nouns
archaeo. art painted caveBilderhöhle {f}
constr. painted ceilinggestrichene Decke {f}
archaeo. hist. painted finewarebemalte Feinkeramik {f}
art painted portraitgemaltes Porträt {n}
archaeo. painted potteryBuntkeramik {f}
archaeo. painted potterybemalte Keramik {f}
ind. painted slipsFarbengoben {pl}
tech. painted steellackierter Stahl {m}
painted surfaceLackoberfläche {f}
painted woman [coll.]Flittchen {n} [ugs.]
3 Words: Others
art painted in watercolors {adj} {past-p} [postpos.] [Am.]aquarelliert
art painted in watercolours {adj} {past-p} [postpos.] [Br.]aquarelliert
sb. has / had paintedjd. hat / hatte gestrichen
3 Words: Nouns
badly painted figureschlecht gemalte Person {f}
badly painted pictureschlecht gemaltes Bild {n}
tech. red painted screwrot verlackte Schraube {f}
4 Words: Others
painted in vivid colors {adj} [postpos.] [Am.]bunt bemalt
painted in vivid colours {adj} [postpos.] [Br.]bunt bemalt
painted with bright colors {adj} [postpos.] [Am.]bunt bemalt
painted with bright colours {adj} [postpos.] [Br.]bunt bemalt
4 Words: Verbs
art to have one's portrait paintedsich malen lassen
5+ Words: Others
Are your legs painted on? [Aus.] [idiom]Du hast doch selber Beine, oder? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
He is not as black as he is painted.Er ist besser als sein Ruf.
They painted the town red. [idiom]Sie haben gefeiert bis zum Abwinken. [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
art human or animal figures in a painted landscape [for accessory purposes]Staffage {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Painted House [John Grisham]Die Farm
lit. F Painted Ladies [Robert B. Parker]Trügerisches Bild
film F The Painted Hills [Harold F. Kress]Lassie und die Goldgräber
film lit. F The Painted Veil [novel: Somerset Maugham, film: Ryszard Boleslawski (1934), John Curran (2006)]Der bunte Schleier
lit. F To Fear a Painted Devil [Ruth Rendell]Der Tod fällt aus dem Rahmen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
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A 2025-01-21: sketchy, (just) sketchily drawn / painted, (just) delicately outlined ...
A 2018-11-25: Das ist eine Variante. Andere sind +painted target+ oder +decorated target+
A 2013-08-08: A frieze could be painted -http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/englis...
Q 2013-06-24: A book is a picture painted in words.
A 2010-01-05: painted using this technique
A 2010-01-03: Even old masters such as ... painted using this technique.
A 2009-05-29: decorated with black and red painted +necking bands+
A 2009-05-14: Now, I bet she had acted differently if you had first painted her cat gree...
Q 2008-08-11: painted into a corner, to paint yourself into a corner etc.
A 2008-06-12: @Joanne - I can't imagine the boat being PAINTED on ground level.
A 2008-05-15: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22cold+paint...
A 2008-05-15: painted gallery / choir loft
A 2008-03-29: shop painted = fabrikseitig/werksseitig (vor)gestrichen
Q 2008-03-29: shop painted
A 2007-12-15: painted and crafted greeting cards
A 2007-11-05: painted according to the colour scheme ?
A 2007-10-17: http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rls=RNWE%2CRNWE%3A2006-24%2CRNWE%3Aen&q...
A 2007-03-02: might "picture shrine" be misunderstood a a shrine with pictures painted on it?
A 2006-11-20: painted in glazes???
A 2006-07-03: a painted simle to punch in oder into? => ein aufgesetzes Lachen zum reins...

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