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English-German translation for: pal
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Dictionary English German: pal

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NOUN   a pal | pals
VERB  to pal | palled | palled ... 
SYNO   to chum up | to pal | to pal up ... 
pal [coll.]
Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
Freund {m} [Kumpel]
Kamerad {m}
pal [coll.] [aggressive form of address]
Freundchen {n} [ugs.]
Spezi {m} [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
pal [coll.]
Atze {f} [selten {m}] [berlin., ugs.]
pal [coll.]
Kumpan {m} [ugs.]
2 Words
best palbester Freund {m}
bosom pal [coll.]Busenfreund {m} [meist ironisch]
bosom pal [female]Busenfreundin {f}
drinking pal [coll.]Zechbruder {m} [ugs.]
drinking pal [coll.]Zechkumpan {m} [ugs.]
gal pal [coll.]Freundin {f}
pen palBrieffreund {m}
pen pal [female]Brieffreundin {f}
biochem. photoaffinity labeling <PAL> [Am.]Photoaffinitätsmarkierung {f}
3 Words
to pal around with sb. [Am.] [coll.]sichAkk. mit jdm. herumtreiben [ugs.] [pej.]
to pal up with sb. [coll.]sich mit jdm. anfreunden
pen-pal girlfriendBrieffreundin {f} [mit der man eine Liebesbeziehung hat]
anat. posterior axillary line <PAL> [Linea axillaris posterior]hintere Axillarlinie {f} <HAL>
electr. programmable array logic <PAL>PAL {n}
4 Words
idiom Fuck you, too, pal. <FYTP>Du mich auch.
5+ Words
correspondence with a pen friend / palBrieffreundschaft {f}
RadioTV phase alternate / alternation / alternating line <PAL>PAL {n} [Fernsehnorm]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal [novel: Christopher Moore]Die Bibel nach Biff. Die wilden Jugendjahre von Jesus, erzählt von seinem besten Freund
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Q 2015-04-13: can you send an invoice to me through pay pal ?
A 2013-01-31: True that, pal !!
A 2013-01-26: Thanks pal.
A 2012-03-05: great, super etc. pal ....
Q 2012-02-18: I have wanted a pen pal
A 2011-05-01: Auf Americanish: You stink pal. Go and shower!
A 2011-05-01: You're stinking, pal. Go have a a shower.
A 2010-10-18: buddy, bud, pal, chum, man
A 2009-08-18: does it matter ? weiblich / maennlich .... meet up with my pal(s) ..
A 2009-08-16: More specifically: sandpit pal
A 2008-12-22: Pardon, mon pal, fruits, bien sûr...
A 2008-04-06: Cheers, pal!
A 2007-11-24: ah my pal Allan....a response wilth no Fragezeichen, so you are sure?
A 2007-07-15: thanks pal, no wonder my google suffixed -ically didnt work..
A 2007-07-13: Hi Pal, or accusateur....omitter of capitals I accept...apostrophe denial..
A 2006-09-16: Mucker = mate or pal
A 2006-09-08: Thanks a lot, pal!
A 2006-07-05: How do you like this, pal!
A 2006-06-30: Sorry typing mistake: @Jim: Are you really serious, pal? Is that Siehst du...
A 2006-06-30: @Jim: Are you really serious, pal. Is that Siehst du? guy indeed good at E...

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