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Dictionary English German: paper

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ADJ   paper | - | -
NOUN1   paper | - [sheet of paper]/papers [report]
NOUN2   a paper | papers
VERB  to paper | papered | papered ... 
paper {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bag, feed, jam, mill]
libr. publ. paper {adj}
paper {adj} [attr.] [made of paper]
papieren [aus Papier]
paper {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cup, plate]Papp- [z. B. Becher, Teller]
paper {adj} [attr.] [fig.] [on paper only]auf dem Papier [nachgestellt] [fig.]
to paper sth.etw.Akk. einwickeln [in Papier einschlagen]
to paper sth. [wallpaper]etw.Akk. tapezieren
Papier {n}
acad. paper [essay]
Aufsatz {m} [wissenschaftlich]
acad. paper [essay]
Abhandlung {f}
acad. lit. paper [writing, work, essay etc.]
Schrift {f} [Abhandlung]
acad. paper [read at a conference]
Vortrag {m}
paper [piece of writing]
Schriftstück {n}
journ. paper [newspaper]
Zeitung {f} <Ztg.>
paper [lecture, speech]
Referat {n} [Vortrag]
paper [instead of a speech]
Beitrag {m} [schriftlich, bei Konferenz etc.]
admin. law paper [file]
Akte {f}
Dokument {n}
journ. paper [newspaper]
Blatt {n} [Zeitung]
comm. fin. paper
Handelspapier {n}
mus. paper
Tapete {f} [Dekoration von Tasteninstrumenten]
acad. paper(wissenschaftliche) Arbeit {f}
acad. publ. paperwissenschaftliche Publikation {f}
acad. publ. paperwissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung {f}
acad. publ. paper2 [scientific paper]wissenschaftlicher Artikel {m}
paper [sl.] [money, esp. when earned by illegal means]Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld, hier bes., falls unrechtmässig erworben]
paper [written report]schriftliche Ausarbeitung {f} [Resultat]
2 Words: Others
on paper {adv} {adj} [also fig.]auf dem Papier [auch fig.]
on paper {adv} [fig.] [in theory]theoretisch
on paper {adv} [fig.] [in theory]in der Theorie
on paper {adv} [in writing]in Papierform
paper-based {adj}papierbasiert
libr. publ. paper-bound {adj}broschiert
paper-free {adj}papierfrei
paper-insulated {adj}papierisoliert
paper-saving {adj}papiersparend
paper-thin {adj}papierdünn
paper-thin {adj} [also fig.]hauchdünn
2 Words: Verbs
to paper over sth.etw.Akk. zutapezieren
to paper over sth. [fig.]etw. verdecken [fig.] [vertuschen, verschleiern]
to paper over sth. [fig.] [trivialize, downplay]etw.Akk. herunterspielen [ugs.] [bagatellisieren]
to paper sth. over [cover with paper]etw.Akk. mit Papier verkleben [überkleben]
to toilet paper sb./sth. [coll.] <to t.p., to tp>jdn./etw. verklopappen [bes. Jugendspr.] [selten] [mit Klopapier umwickeln]
2 Words: Nouns
(paper) bagPapiersackerl {n} [österr.] [Tüte]
Unverified (paper) clipZettelklammer {f}
toys (paper) dartPapierschwalbe {f} [Papierflieger]
(paper) guillotineHebelschneider {m} [Papierschneidemaschine]
FoodInd. gastr. (paper) liner [Am.] [for pastries or confectionery]Papierförmchen {n} [für Backwaren oder Konfekt]
FoodInd. gastr. (paper) liner [Am.] [for pastries]Backförmchen {n} [aus Papier]
photo. (paper) printPapierabzug {m}
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Q 2024-05-20: kitchen roll vs. paper towels
A 2023-09-27: In the UK, paper usually turns yellow, not brown ;-)
A 2023-05-17: Agree, in this context it would be a form. Paper in this context is equiva...
Q 2023-05-17: a paper
A 2023-01-05: Was jedes Kind an Schulheften kennt: liniertes und kariertes Papier > < ex...
A 2023-01-04: Liegende Rechtecke > grid paper horizontal rectangles
A 2023-01-04: +asymmetric graph paper+ gibt es auch im gesuchten Hochkaro. Eine Raute si...
A 2022-10-09: Quote from the paper I cited under 17:15. It amply clarifies the meaning o...
A 2022-06-11: Maybe: Paper does not take it all / Paper will not take a lot
A 2022-03-12: Aus einem Fachlexikon: tub-sized paper > oberflächengeleimtes Papier
A 2021-07-26: @ Windfall: Did you see my modification 13:08 "green paper" ?
A 2021-07-26: not (yet) discussed / reconciled with other political bodies ; a green paper
Q 2019-04-11: Paper Title - Possessive Apostrophe
Q 2019-01-27: processing waste flows of pulp and paper industry - wash press counter
A 2018-12-21: hoping that that the FF paper will print an article / a story by the 3rd man
A 2018-10-31: In the UK, usually free (news)paper,
A 2018-09-14: gutter paper
Q 2017-11-05: paper Title
A 2017-10-29: Paper vs digital
A 2017-10-11: see also: Green Paper and White Paper

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