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English-German translation for: papers
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Dictionary English German: papers

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NOUN1   paper | - [sheet of paper]/papers [report]
NOUN2   a paper | papers
VERB  to paper | papered | papered
papering | papers
SYNO   document | papers | written document
Papiere {pl}
pol. papers [written documents, esp. for the Government]
Akten {pl} [Papiere, Dokumente]
educ. acad. papers
Arbeiten {pl}
pol. papersSchriften {pl} [schweiz.] [veraltend] [Ausweispapiere wie Heimatschein]
papers [literary estate]Nachlass-Unterlagen {pl} [schriftlicher Nachlass]
drugs papers {pl} [sl.][Heroin in Faltbriefchen]
2 Words: Verbs
to accumulate papersZeitungen anhäufen
to confuse papersPapiere durcheinanderbringen
to correct papersSchriftstücke markieren und verbessern
to mark papersSchriftstücke markieren und verbessern
to secure papersDokumente sicher verschließen
2 Words: Nouns
absorbent papersSaugpapiere {pl}
accompanying papersBegleitpapiere {pl}
adoption papersAdoptionspapiere {pl}
law ancillary papersBeiakten {pl}
application papersBewerbungsunterlagen {pl}
business papersGeschäftspapiere {pl}
admin. automot. car papersAutopapiere {pl}
admin. automot. car papersWagenpapiere {pl}
case papersDokumente {pl} des Falls
clearance papersAbfertigungspapiere {pl}
publ. collected paperskleine Schriften {pl} [bes. als Buch- oder Serientitel]
collection papersInkassopapiere {pl}
comic papersWitzblätter {pl}
commercial papersGeschäftspapiere {pl}
commercial papersHandelsblätter {pl}
court papersGerichtsakten {pl}
customs papersZollpapiere {pl}
journ. daily papersTagblätter {pl}
discharge papersEntlassungspapiere {pl}
law divorce papersScheidungspapiere {pl}
relig. divorce papers {pl} [Jewish] [also: get]Scheidebrief {m}
mil. draft papers {pl} [Am.]Einberufungsbescheid {m}
admin. jobs employment papersArbeitspapiere {pl}
educ. examination papersPrüfungsunterlagen {pl}
financial papersBörsenzeitungen {pl}
journ. free papersGratiszeitungen {pl}
law ID papersAusweispapiere {pl}
law identification papersAusweispapiere {pl}
identification papersFlebben {pl} [ugs. für: Ausweispapiere] [veraltet] [regional]
law identification papersPersonalien {pl} [Papiere / Ausweispapiere]
admin. law identity papersAusweispapiere {pl}
important paperswichtige Urkunden {pl}
insur. insurance papersVersicherungspapiere {pl}
insur. insurance papersVersicherungsunterlagen {pl}
law legal papersSchriftsätze {pl}
law legal papers {pl}Schriftsatz {m}
admin. naturalisation papers {pl} [Br.]Einbürgerungsurkunde {f}
admin. naturalization papers {pl}Einbürgerungsurkunde {f}
pol. nomination papersNominierungspapiere {pl}
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A 2021-01-06: Bundle of papers / details (< +liasse+ > Bündel (u.a. Banknoten), Packen, ...
A 2019-12-12: Technical papers / books
A 2019-03-13: The media / papers have been an invaluable source of egregious howlers for...
Q 2016-09-13: Austria has made it into the British papers!
A 2014-04-24: There also appears to be a drivel generator for sociology papers.
A 2013-12-24: usually she would read all the papers, wouldn't she?
A 2013-10-03: grading papers
A 2013-10-03: WingDing is right. "Grading" means essay papers.
Q 2013-07-01: Papiere (ID) - papers ?
A 2012-11-07: Foreign language papers is Australia
Q 2012-09-25: Benötige Hilfe bei der Übersetzung eines (bzw. mehreren) englisch-sprachig...
A 2012-09-10: If it's a graphic, "(author's illustration)" is used often in U.S. academi...
A 2012-07-16: http://radboud.academia.edu/PaulVoestermans/Papers/843283/Alterity_identit...
A 2012-03-09: It's a John Stuart Mill quote often used in German speeches and papers, bu...
A 2012-02-07: recently discovered papers clearly show Dickens' name-finding process for ...
A 2012-02-03: free papers session > freie Vortragssitzung.
Q 2012-02-02: free papers sessions
A 2011-12-26: If you have already said a 'main' job, I would just write +I also deliver ...
A 2011-11-05: call for papers - Beitragsaufruf
Q 2011-11-05: call for papers (CfP)

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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