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Dictionary English German: parliament

Translation 1 - 50 of 105  >>

English German
NOUN   a parliament | parliaments
SYNO   fantan | parliament | sevens
pol. parliament
Parlament {n}
pol. parliament
Volksvertretung {f}
pol. parliamenthohes Haus {n} [geh.]
2 Words: Verbs
pol. to dissolve parliamentdas Parlament auflösen
2 Words: Nouns
pol. Andean ParliamentAndenparlament {n}
hist. Austrian Parliament [1848/49]Österreichischer Reichstag {m} [1848/49]
pol. bicameral parliamentZweikammerparlament {n}
pol. cantonal parliamentKantonsparlament {n}
pol. cantonal parliamentGroßer Rat {m} [schweiz.]
admin. pol. cantonal parliament [Switzerland]Landrat {m} [Gremium]
pol. city parliamentStadtparlament {n}
hist. pol. Convention ParliamentKonventionsparlament {n}
hist. customs parliamentZollparlament {n}
comp. pol. e-parliamentE-Parlament {n} [auch: E-Parliament]
EU pol. European ParliamentEuropaparlament {n}
EU pol. European ParliamentEuropa-Parlament {n}
EU pol. European Parliament <EP>Europäisches Parlament {n} <EP>
pol. federal parliament [Switzerland]Bundesparlament {n} [Bundesversammlung der Schweiz]
hist. Frankfurt ParliamentFrankfurter Nationalversammlung {f}
hist. Frankfurt Parliament [1848]Frankfurter Parlament {n} [Frankfurter Nationalversammlung]
pol. hung parliamentParlament {n} ohne klare Mehrheitsverhältnisse
law Parliament Act [Br.]Parlamentsgesetz {n}
archi. pol. parliament buildingParlament {n} [Parlamentsgebäude]
parliament buildingParlamentsgebäude {n}
tech. parliament hinge [Br.]Schmetterlingsscharnier {n}
Parliament houseParlamentsgebäude {n}
hist. People's Parliament [former East German Parliament]Volkskammer {f} [hist. DDR-Parlament]
hist. pol. pre-parliamentVorparlament {n}
educ. Pupil Parliament [Br.]Schülerparlament {n}
pol. regional parliamentRegionalparlament {n}
hist. Rump ParliamentRumpfparlament {n} [England]
pol. state parliamentLandesparlament {n}
pol. unicameral parliamentEinkammernparlament {n}
pol. unicameral parliamentEinkammerparlament {n}
pol. working parliamentArbeitsparlament {n}
pol. world parliamentWeltparlament {n}
pol. Youth Parliament [Br.]Jugendparlament {n}
3 Words: Others
pol. confirmed by Parliament {adj} [postpos.]vom Parlament bestätigt
3 Words: Verbs
pol. to railroad sth. through parliament [coll.]etw.Akk. im Parlament durchpeitschen [ugs.] [pej.]
pol. to stand for parliament [Br.] [Aus.]für den Bundestag kandidieren
3 Words: Nouns
law act (of parliament)Gesetz {n} [einzelnes Gesetz]
law Act of Parliamentvom Parlament beschlossenes Gesetz {n}
law Act of Parliamentvom Parlament verabschiedetes Gesetz {n}
pol. chambers of parliamentParlamentskammern {pl}
pol. composition of parliament [also: Composition of Parliament]Zusammensetzung {f} des Parlaments
pol. dissolution of parliamentParlamentsauflösung {f}
pol. dissolution of parliamentAuflösung {f} des Parlaments
EU pol. European Parliament resolutionEntschließung {f} des Europäischen Parlaments
archi. pol. federal parliament buildingBundeshaus {n} [schweiz.]
pol. German Federal ParliamentDeutscher Bundestag {m}
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A 2021-12-27: Act ~ Act of Parliament ...
A 2021-02-15: ... to monopolize the law within the scope of an Act of Parliament ...
A 2020-01-20: Quote: The Financial Ombudsman Service was set up by Parliament as the off...
A 2016-06-19: UK Parliament Glossary on surgery
A 2015-08-09: After that the National Assemlby started breaking up to the point when a r...
Q 2014-08-05: provincially based parliament elections
A 2014-05-22: European Parliament .....
A 2014-02-26: +The Honourable+ is the title given to members of parliament or similar in...
A 2013-12-06: failed to translate into seats in Parliament
A 2012-03-24: UK conservative member of parliament?
A 2010-12-13: Typo: Parliament
A 2010-12-04: Heard of the European Parliament, wandle, and ever voted in a European election?
A 2010-09-10: PS: legal / law > rechtlich / Recht (law of nations > Völkerrecht); statut...
A 2010-03-19: Articles of a constitution, sections and subsections etc. of an Act of Par...
A 2010-02-16: Is very similar to the German Parliament
A 2010-02-14: A regulation is law in that it +fleshes out+ the provisions of an act of p...
Q 2010-01-31: Who said you can't have fun with the European Parliament, too?
A 2010-01-27: Well, Joanne, Brussels is no less associated / identified with eurocracy t...
A 2009-08-22: One mistake: featuring THE European Union and Parliament; ...............
A 2009-06-05: http://www.howjsay.com/index.php?word=parliament&submit=Submit

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