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English-German translation for: partially
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Dictionary English German: partially

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
SYNO   part | partially | partly
partially {adv}
teilweise <teilw., tlw., tw.>
partially {adv}
partially {adv}zum Teil <z. T.>
2 Words: Others
gastr. (partially) precooked {adj} {past-p}vorgegart
med. partially blind {adj}sehbehindert
partially blocked {adj} {past-p}teilweise verstopft
partially closed {adj}teilweise verschlossen
weapons partially cocked {adj}teilgespannt
partially crystalline {adj}teilkristallin
partially damaged {adj}teilweise beschädigt
audio med. partially deaf {adj} [hard of hearing]hörbehindert
RealEst. partially developed {adj}teilerschlossen
jobs partially disabled {adj}erwerbsbehindert
partially disturbed {adj}teilweise gestört
partially empty {adj}teilweise leer
partially executed {adj}teilweise ausgeführt
partially financed {adj}teilfinanziert
spec. partially folded {adj}teilgefaltet
RealEst. partially furnished {adj}teilmöbliert
partially ground {adj} {past-p}angeschliffen
chem. partially halogenated {adj}teilhalogeniert
partially hydrogenated {adj} {past-p}teilgehärtet [Öle, Fette]
dent. partially impacted {adj}teilretiniert
audio med. partially implantable {adj}teilimplantierbar
partially insulated {adj}teilisoliert
partially insured {adj}teilversichert
partially integrated {adj}teilintegriert
partially mobile {adj}teilmobil
partially obscured {adj}teilweise verdeckt
partially obscured {adj} {past-p}zum Teil verdeckt
partially obstructed {adj} {past-p} [blocked]teilweise verstopft
partially opened {adj}teilgeöffnet
partially opened {adj}teilweise geöffnet
partially qualified {adj}teilqualifiziert
law partially sane {adj}eingeschränkt zurechnungsfähig
med. partially sighted {adj}sehbehindert
med. partially sighted {adj}eingeschränkt sehfähig
weapons partially tensioned {adj}teilgespannt
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to (partially) precook sth.etw.Akk. vorgaren
to partially close sth.etw. teilweise schließen
gastr. to partially cook sth.etw.Akk. vorgaren
to partially dispossess sb.jdn. teilenteignen
to partially open sth.etw. teilweise öffnen
2 Words: Nouns
insur. partially comprehensive [coll.] [partially comprehensive insurance]Teilkasko {f} <TK> [ugs.] [Teilkaskoversicherung]
3 Words: Others
gastr. (partially) pre-cooked {adj} {past-p}vorgegart
only partially executed {adj}nur zum Teil ausgeführt
partially financed by {adj}mitfinanziert von
3 Words: Nouns
med. (partially) decomposed body(teilweise) verweste Leiche {f}
dent. partially anodont jawteilbezahnter Kiefer {m}
insur. partially comprehensive insuranceTeil-Kaskoversicherung {f}
material partially destructive test [semi-destructive test; rare: partial destructive test]teilzerstörende Prüfung {f}
partially digested foodangedaute Nahrung {f}
partially employed femaleTeilarbeitslose {f}
partially employed personTeilarbeitsloser {m}
partially employed workerKurzarbeiter {m}
chem. partially folded moleculesteilgefaltete Moleküle {pl}
med. partially fractured ribangebrochene Rippe {f}
math. partially ordered sethalbgeordnete Menge {f}
ecol. partially treated sewagevorgeklärtes Abwasser {n}
4 Words: Others
You are partially right.Zum Teil haben Sie recht. [formelle Anrede]
4 Words: Verbs
to be partially at fault [for an accident]Mitschuld haben [an einem Unfall usw.]
law to hold sb. partially at fault [for an accident]jdm. (eine / die) Mitschuld geben [an einem Unfall usw.; meist mit unbestimmtem Artikel, seltener mit bestimmtem oder ohne Artikel]
5+ Words: Others
(that) can be partially lowered {adj} [postpos.]teilabsenkbar
for the blind and partially sighted {adv}für Blinde und Schwachsichtige
5+ Words: Verbs
law to be held (to be) partially at fault [for an accident etc.]Mitschuld erhalten [an einem Unfall usw.]
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Q 2017-09-19: https://www.dict.cc/?s=+partially+unemployed+worker
A 2016-06-14: It's partially hidden here
A 2015-02-14: Seems to be a case of partially overlapping meanings.
Q 2014-04-30: Each of us is - at least partially - a complete moron. (According to aphorist)
Q 2014-03-11: partially hydrogenated oils, liquid sugars
A 2011-08-01: Partially depends on register, but naive doedsn't seem right and doesn't f...
Q 2010-06-08: Unterschied von partly und partially
A 2010-05-20: Figure 1 is a top plan view, partially in phantom, of the device.
Q 2010-05-20: partially in phantom
A 2009-12-16: "put my butt on the line" is the less popular, partially sanitized version of
A 2009-08-24: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Ade%3A...
A 2008-10-16: partially correct / all right
A 2008-09-12: Up until 2006, disagreement in the family shareholder circle on strategic ...
A 2008-08-10: partially f. or "limited functionality" (auch als Adjektiv benutzt)
A 2008-08-05: except for one cropped / partially shown garbage can (AE)
A 2008-03-19: the opening ... aimed *partially* (in Teilen, teilweise) even depends on a...
A 2007-05-31: partially overlapping grid producing nearly all/the whole gamut of colour shades
A 2006-11-22: partially used package???
A 2006-09-11: Critical attention, however, was focused on the exchange of info between X...
A 2006-05-02: Good point, esmeralda. Consequently perhaps > (partially) truncated tower

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• partially
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partially close sth.
partially cocked
partially comprehensive
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partially crystalline
partially damaged

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