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English-German translation for: participate
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Dictionary English German: participate

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
VERB  to participate | participated | participated ... 
SYNO   to enter | to participate ... 
to participate
to participate
to participate
to participate
to participate
partizipieren [geh.]
to participatemittun [ugs.]
to participatebeteiligt sein
to participatesich beteiligen
2 Words: Verbs
to participate (in)mitbestimmen (bei)
to participate in sth.an etw.Dat. teilhaben
to participate in sth.an etw.Dat. teilnehmen
to participate of sth. [archaic] [have or possess (a particular quality)]etw. an sichDat. haben [eine bestimmte Eigenschaft]
3 Words: Others
entitled to participate {adj}teilnahmeberechtigt
3 Words: Verbs
to empower sb. to participatejdn. zur Teilnahme zulassen
to participate actively in sth.sich in etw.Akk. einbringen
to participate in developingsich an der Entwicklung beteiligen
to participate in doing sth.sich an etw.Dat. beteiligen
to participate in financingsich an der Finanzierung beteiligen
3 Words: Nouns
capacity to participateFähigkeit {f}, sich zu beteiligen
QM consent to participateZustimmung {f} zur Teilnahme
willingness to participateTeilnahmebereitschaft {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to be able to participateteilnahmefähig sein
to participate fifty percent in sth.zu fünfzig Prozent an etw.Dat. beteiligt sein
to participate fifty percent in sth.zur Hälfte an etw.Dat. beteiligt sein
to participate in a fairsich an einer Messe beteiligen
to participate in a lossam Verlust beteiligt sein
to participate in a project [coll.]in ein Projekt einsteigen
to participate in a tenderan einer Ausschreibung teilnehmen
to participate in the managementsich an der Geschäftsführung beteiligen
to participate in the profitam Gewinn beteiligt sein
5+ Words: Verbs
to be able to participate in sth.an etw.Dat. teilnehmen können
fin. to participate in a profitable transactionmitschneiden [österr.] [meist pej.]
to participate in a talk showtalken [ugs.]
fin. to participate on an equity basissich kapitalmäßig beteiligen
5+ Words: Nouns
med. sociol. ability to participate in rehabilitationReha-Fähigkeit {f} [kurz für: Rehabilitationsfähigkeit]
law attempt to incite or participate in an offence [Br.]Versuch {m} der Beihilfe oder Anstiftung einer Straftat
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A 2015-08-26: I will take part / participate in the final inspection.
A 2012-08-07: were to participate -> participates
A 2012-03-21: they participate in a fair contest
A 2011-12-03: @ Catessa. your idea of an ad-hoc editorial panel is a good one and I woul...
Q 2011-09-28: which includes to participate, to acquire and to co-operate in any other e...
A 2011-02-22: invitation to participate in the project
A 2011-01-26: Idiom: to see something through ~ to participate in it to the end.
A 2010-04-21: invite to participate
A 2010-03-26: "Participate to" is incorrect.
A 2009-12-02: "gesetzt" means that the firm takes it for granted that its lawyers partic...
A 2009-07-22: @dee ayar: If you don't want to participate under these circumstances, so be it.
A 2009-07-07: undertaking / go on / participate in / be part of / take part in
A 2009-07-06: Participate/take part in (this) round of financing
A 2009-01-05: If something is a hoot, it is a fun thing to do/experience/participate in
A 2008-10-07: It does imply that, but that's what it usually says on labels even if the ...
A 2008-09-07: the government involves the opposition parties to actively participate in ...
A 2008-06-10: I still think "to join". "accede" doesn't work here. "participate in" is p...
A 2008-04-27: lets the shareholders participate in the year's results
A 2007-11-06: Wasn't aware this was a "professional translators' forum". I thought every...
A 2007-09-12: sich guter Händel teilhaftig machen > ? (ironically) to participate in nob...

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participate in a tender
participate in developing
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