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English-German translation for: pass through times
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Dictionary English German: pass through times

Translation 1 - 50 of 2511  >>

NOUN   a pass-through time | pass-through times
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Partial Matches
to pass (through)durchleiten
to pass throughdurchfahren
to pass throughdurchgeben
to pass throughdurchlaufen
to pass throughdurchreisen
tech. pass-throughDurchgang {m}
pass-throughDurchgangsschleuse {f}
fin. tech. pass-throughDurchleitung {f}
sports through pass [football]Steilpass {m}
fin. cost pass-throughKostenübertragung {f}
pass-through certificateDurchlaufzertifikat {n}
pass-through rateDurchlaufrate {f}
pass-through timeDurchlaufzeit {f}
quick pass-throughSchnelldurchlauf {m}
to live through difficult timesSchweres durchmachen
to live through difficult timesSchweres mitmachen
to live through hard timesSchweres durchmachen
to live through hard timesSchweres mitmachen
econ. pass-through chargesdurchlaufende Kosten {pl}
to allow to pass throughdurchlassen
naut. to pass through a lockschleusen
to pass through customsden Zoll passieren
to pass throughdurchgehen [durch Raum, Reihe etc.]
to pass through [route, road, etc.]verlaufen durch
fin. pass-through structuredirekte Weiterleitung {f} [der Zahlungsströme]
travel to pass through customs controldie Zollkontrolle passieren
to pass through sth. [river]durch etw.Akk. fließen
gastr. to pass sth. through a sieveetw.Akk. durchpassieren
to pass through sth. [fig.] [an experience]etw.Akk. durchstehen
to pass sth. through to sb.etw. an jdn. weiterleiten
sports quick through ball [football]schneller Pass {m} in die Spitze
to pass through an experienceetwas durchmachen [ugs.] [durchleben, durchstehen]
naut. to pass a ship through a lockein Schiff durchschleusen
to pass through [e.g. customs]passieren [z. B. den Zoll]
to pass through sth. [undergo, experience]etw. durchmachen [ugs.] [durchleben, erdulden]
to pass sth. through a sieveetw. durch ein Sieb gießen
to pass through sth. [of a road, etc.]durch etw.Akk. hindurchführen
to pass (through)laufen (durch) [verlaufen, sich ausbreiten: Linie, Weg, Schall, Strahl etc.]
to pass through sth.sich durch etw. bewegen [bes. tech.: von Gasen, Flüssigkeiten etc.]
archi. gastr. pass-through [Am.] [opening between kitchen and dining room for passing dishes]Durchreiche {f}
to pass sth. through to the banketw. an die Bank weiterleiten
to pass through in transitim Transit durchfahren
quote Keep up with the times and time won't pass you by.Wer nicht mit der Zeit geht, geht mit der Zeit. [Josef Carl Neckermann]
journ. The Times scooped the other papers.Die Times ist den anderen Zeitungen zuvorgekommen.
geogr. transp. travel pass across the AlpsPass {m} über die Alpen
film lit. F Breakheart Pass [novel: Alistair MacLean, film: Tom Gries]Nevada Pass
pass [e.g. in football, soccer]Pass {m} [Abspiel / Zuspiel bei Ballspielen]
traffic road over the passPass-Straße {f} [Rsv.]
sports long pass [association football]langer Pass {m}
pass [mountain pass]Pass {m} [Bergpass]
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