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English-German translation for: password
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Dictionary English German: password

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
NOUN   a password | passwords
SYNO   countersign | parole | password ... 
password <pw>
Passwort {n} <PW>
Kennwort {n}
Losung {f}
Parole {f}
Losungswort {n}
passwordBerechtigungscode {m}
passwordErkennungswort {n}
passwordSchutzwort {n}
2 Words: Others
comp. password-based {adj}Passwort-basiert
comp. password-protected {adj}passwortgeschützt
2 Words: Nouns
comp. Internet access passwordZugangspasswort {n}
application passwordAnwendungskennwort {n}
comp. boot passwordBoot-Passwort {n}
comp. computer passwordRechnerkennwort {n}
comp. password hintKennworthinweis {m}
comp. Internet password promptPasswortabfrage {f}
password protectionKennwortdatenschutz {m}
password protectionPasswortschutz {m}
comp. password recoveryPasswortwiederherstellung {f}
comp. password recoveryWiederherstellung {f} des Passworts
comp. Internet password resetKennwortzurücksetzung {f}
comp. Internet password resetPasswortzurücksetzung {f}
comp. password retrievalKennwortwiederherstellung {f} [auch: Kennwort-Wiederherstellung]
fin. Internet password securityPasswortsicherheit {f}
comp. Internet password strengthPasswortstärke {f}
personal passwordKennwort {n}
comp. Internet secure passwordsicheres Passwort {n}
user passwordBenutzerpasswort {n}
3 Words: Verbs
comp. to create a passwordein Passwort vergeben [selbst erstellen]
to give the passworddie Losung ausgeben
comp. to reset the passworddas Passwort zurücksetzen
comp. to set a passwordein Passwort festlegen
3 Words: Nouns
comp. one-time password <OTP>Einmalkennwort {n}
comp. one-time password <OTP>Einmalpasswort {n}
comp. one-time password <OTP>Einmal-Passwort {n}
5+ Words: Others
comp. Please enter your password again to verify.Bitte das Passwort noch einmal zur Kontrolle eingeben.
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A 2015-06-16: You shouldn't trust a site which "issues" a password to you, unless it is ...
Q 2015-06-16: "to issue a password"
A 2015-02-05: It is not a big thing to store such pictures as coded data with a separate...
Q 2013-07-12: Sorry, someone has already signed up using this email address. Please use ...
Q 2012-11-07: echo a password
Q 2012-04-10: Lost password
Q 2009-06-01: password mining
A 2009-03-07: ... password - passphrase - passbook next?
A 2009-02-27: The user shoul be able to entr password in the field "Password" on (?) the...
A 2008-11-03: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22What+was+my+password+...
A 2008-03-20: password
A 2007-10-15: Keep in mind that, unlike usernames, the password is case-sensitive
A 2007-08-06: Remember - your ICQ password is case sensitive
A 2007-06-10: enforce password history (prevent old password from being reused)
A 2007-01-10: Oops didn't realise I was anonymous.. am on a new computer and forgot it w...
A 2006-09-19: oder (mehr Treffer) http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie...
Q 2006-09-19: a technical question: I forgot what e-mail-adress and password I used, so ...
A 2006-09-07: Authentification encryption: offers encryption of user ID and password
A 2006-03-02: Username/Password
A 2006-02-14: if a password had been created, it is shown asterisked

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