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English-German translation for: pasture
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Dictionary English German: pasture

Translation 1 - 50 of 90  >>

English German
NOUN   a pasture | pastures
VERB  to pasture | pastured | pastured ... 
SYNO   to crop | to graze | to pasture ... 
agr. to pasture
to pasture
to pastureweiden lassen
agr. pasture
Wiese {f}
agr. pasture
Weide {f}
agr. pasture
Weideland {n}
agr. pasture
Viehweide {f}
agr. pasture [food]
Futter {n}
Aue {f}
agr. pasture
Weidegrund {m}
agr. pasture
Hut {f} [veraltet]
agr. pasture [on which livestock has to be tended]
Hutweide {f} [veraltet]
Au {f} [südd.] [österr.]
2 Words: Nouns
agr. (common) pasture [rough grazing]Hutung {f} [dürftige Weide, auch: Gemeindehutung]
agr. ecol. abandoned pasture [fallow grassland]Grünlandbrache {f}
agr. alpine pastureAlm {f}
agr. alpine pastureAlmweide {f}
agr. alpine pastureAlpenweide {f}
agr. alpine pastureAlpweide {f}
alpine pastureSenne {f} [bayer.] [österr. veraltet]
agr. arable pastureAckerweide {f}
agr. artificial pastureKunstwiese {f} [schweiz.]
agr. common pastureHutweide {f} [landwirtschaftliche Gemeindeweide]
agr. cow pastureKuhweide {f}
agr. cultivated pasturekultiviertes Grünland {n}
agr. dairy pastureKuhweide {f}
agr. enclosed pasturekultiviertes Grünland {n}
agr. extensive pastureExtensivweide {f}
agr. fallow pastureBrachwiese {f}
agr. fertilized pastureFettweide {f}
agr. for. forest pastureWaldweide {f}
agr. hill pastureBergweide {f}
agr. hill pastureGebirgsweide {f}
agr. hilltop pasture [mountain pasture]Bergweide {f}
mountain pastureBergwiese {f}
agr. mountain pastureGebirgsweide {f}
agr. mountain pastureMahd {n} [österr.]
agr. pasture accessWeidegang {m}
agr. pasture areaWeidefläche {f} [Weidegebiet]
agr. pasture areaWeidegebiet {n}
agr. pasture feedingWeidehaltung {f}
pasture fenceWeidezaun {m}
agr. pasture grassWeidegras {n}
pasture groundWeideplatz {m}
gastr. pasture lambWeidelamm {n}
agr. pasture landGrünland {n}
agr. pasture landWeideland {n}
pasture landsWeideplätze {pl}
pasture landscapeAuenlandschaft {f}
pasture landscapeWeidelandschaft {f}
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A 2014-06-18: Put out to pasture.
Q 2011-06-21: That's an incredible display of sheep flocking to pasture.
A 2010-12-22: To my utmost surprise, "Weidemyopathie" is "pasture myopathy".
A 2009-12-17: http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/#hl=en&q=%22rough+pasture%22&meta=cr%3Dcou...
A 2008-09-29: Waldweide > forest pasture (livestock driven into the woods to +graze+)
A 2008-09-03: Auch: Weidemast > pasture fattening
A 2008-09-03: Also eher +Mastgelände+ - Weidemast > fattening pasture
A 2007-07-26: oder: pasture land(scape), wenn's nicht so geographisch sein soll
A 2006-10-23: definition; > guarded pasture
A 2006-10-23: or perhaps: woodland pasture
A 2006-10-13: but its capitalised....a main event....and why would a colonel be in a pasture
A 2006-08-09: W_e_idegerechtigkeit > common of pasture
A 2005-02-07: die Alp = the alp = (in Switzerland) an area of green pasture on a mountainside.
A 2005-02-07: Alp = Alm (mountain pasture)
A 2003-11-11: natural pasture
Q 2003-11-11: natural pasture in German?

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