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Dictionary English German: patterns

Translation 1 - 51 of 51

English German
NOUN   a pattern | patterns
VERB  to pattern | patterned | patterned
patterning | patterns
NOUN   das Pattern | die Patterns
Muster {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
optics phys. Airy patternsAiry-Scheibchen {pl}
psych. attachment patternsBindungsmuster {pl}
basic patternsGrundmuster {pl}
behavior patterns [Am.]Verhaltensweisen {pl}
biol. psych. behaviour patterns [Br.]Verhaltensformen {pl} [Verhaltensmuster]
behaviour patterns [Br.]Verhaltensweisen {pl}
biol. ecol. biodiversity patternsBiodiversitätsmuster {pl}
communication patternsKommunikationsmuster {pl}
sociol. conflict patternsKonfliktmuster {pl}
consumption patternsKonsumationsmuster {pl}
drinking patterns {pl}Trinkverhalten {n}
gastr. eating patternsEssgewohnheiten {pl}
gastr. eating patterns {pl}Essverhalten {n}
fin. insur. law fraud patternsBetrugsmuster {pl}
biol. econ. med. growth patternsWachstumsmuster {pl}
interpretive patternsDeutungsmuster {pl}
sociol. kinship patternsVerwandtschaftsmuster {pl}
language patternsSprachmuster {pl}
psych. motivational patternsMotivationsmuster {pl}
purchasing patternsEinkaufsgewohnheiten {pl}
zool. social patternssoziale Muster {pl}
speech patternsSprachmuster {pl}
psych. thought patternsDenkmuster {pl}
psych. thought patternsGedankenmuster {pl}
various patternsverschiedene Muster {pl}
voting patternsAbstimmungsmuster {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to shape mobility patternsMobilitätsmuster gestalten
3 Words: Nouns
adaptive behaviour patterns [Br.]anpassungsfähige Verhaltensformen {pl}
collection of patternsKollektion {f} von Ausfallmustern
biol. psych. inborn reaction patternsangeborene Reaktionsmuster {pl}
biol. psych. learned reaction patternserlernte Reaktionsmuster {pl}
patterns of associationAssoziationsmuster {pl}
med. psych. patterns of depressionDepressionsmuster {pl}
patterns of identificationIdentifikationsmuster {pl}
med. sports patterns of injury [also: patterns of injuries]Verletzungsmuster {pl}
patterns of legitimationLegitimationsmuster {pl}
psych. patterns of motivationMotivationsmuster {pl}
patterns of relationshipsBeziehungsmuster {pl}
philos. relig. patterns of thoughtDenkformen {pl}
psych. patterns of thoughtDenkmuster {pl}
range of patternsMusterauswahl {f}
variety of patternsMustervielfalt {f}
econ. world trade patternsWelthandelsgefüge {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to affect the old patternsdie alten Verhaltensmuster berühren
to alter the interactive patternsdie interaktiven Muster ändern
4 Words: Nouns
adaptive patterns of interactionanpassungsfähige Interaktionsmuster {pl}
psych. maladaptive patterns of behaviour [Br.]maladaptive Verhaltensmuster {pl}
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to fall back into old patternsin alte Muster zurückfallen / zurückverfallen
idiom to fall back into old patternsins alte Muster zurückfallen / zurückverfallen
esot. to read (one's fortunes in the patterns of) coffee dregsaus dem Kaffeesatz lesen [aus dem Kaffeesatz wahrsagen]
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A 2020-08-06: large (patterns) / commited action
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Q 2020-08-06: built large patterns
A 2019-02-19: For context see here: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/de/SSUKF...
Q 2018-01-14: U.S. department of State's Patterns of Global Terrorism
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A 2015-05-27: rain patterns
Q 2015-05-27: reduced rain patterns
A 2014-07-11: inspired by the patterns made
Q 2014-07-10: patterns made on wood cuts from the American Deep South
Q 2014-03-04: weather patterns
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A 2011-07-19: The Influence of Western Lifestyle Hygiene Patterns on the Incidence of Atopia
Q 2011-07-17: changing patterns
Q 2011-05-21: program skip patterns, block rotations, back end calculations

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