| English | German | |
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Partial Matches |
| med. pharm. postprandial {adj} <pc, PC, p.c.> | nach der / einer Mahlzeit <pc, PC, p.c.> | |
| med. pharm. postprandial {adj} <pc, PC, p.c.> | nach dem Essen [nachgestellt] <n.d.E., pc, PC, p.c.> | |
| anat. pubococcygeus (muscle) [Musculus pubococcygeus] | PC-Muskel {m} <PC> [Beckenbodenmuskulatur] | |
| MedTech. PC-based image system | PC-basierendes Bildsystem {n} | |
| chem. paper chromatography <PC> | Papier-Chromatographie {f} <PC> | |
| med. polycythaemia <PC> [Br.] | Polyzythämie {f} <PC> | |
| med. polycythemia <PC> [Am.] | Polyzythämie {f} <PC> | |
| chem. paper chromatography <PC> | Papierchromatographie {f} <PC> | |
| comp. PC knowledge {sg} | PC-Kenntnisse {pl} | |
| econ. engin. QM project controlling <PC> | Projektcontrolling {n} <PC> | |
| comp. PC [personal computer] | PC {m} | |
| chem. phosphatidylcholine <PC> | Phosphatidylcholin {n} <PC> | |
| biochem. phosphorylcholine <PC> | Phosphorylcholin {n} <PC> | |
| chem. polycarbonate <PC> | Polycarbonat {n} <PC> | |
| comp. PC-based {adj} | PC-basiert | |
| MedTech. control PC | Steuer-PC {m} | |
| comp. PC era | PC-Ära {f} | |
| comp. PC era | PC-Zeitalter {n} | |
| comp. PC program | PC-Programm {n} | |
| comp. PC systems | PC-Systeme {pl} | |
| PC workplace | PC-Arbeitsplatz {m} | |
| comp. work PC | Arbeits-PC {m} | |
| politically correct {adj} <PC> [speech etc.] | politisch korrekt <PC> [Sprache etc.] | |
| comp. post-PC era [also: Post-PC era] | Post-PC-Zeitalter {n} | |
| med. transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair <TAPP hernia repair> | TAPP-Leistenbruchverschluss {m} | |
| audio peak-clipping control <PC control> | Peak-Clipping-Steller {m} <PC-Steller> [auch: Peak-Clipping-Regler / Einsteller] | |
| tech. horizontal-vertical position <PB/2F, PC/2G> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Querposition {f} <PB/2F, PC/2G> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] | |
| astron. unit parsec <pc> | Parsec {n} <pc> | |
| comp. tablet PC | Tablet-PC {m} | |
| chem. photocatalyst <PC> | Fotokatalysator {m} | |
| chem. photocatalyst <PC> | Photokatalysator {m} | |
| audio peak clipping <PC> | Peak-Clipping {n} <PC> | |
| comp. personal computer <PC> | Personal Computer {m} <PC> | |
| comp. personal computer <PC> | Personal-Computer {m} <PC> | |
| biochem. protein C <PC> | Protein C {n} <PC> | |
| med. parathyroid carcinoma <PC> | Nebenschilddrüsenkarzinom {n} | |
| med. peritoneal cancer <PC> | Peritonealkrebs {m} | |
| personal computer <PC> | Arbeitsplatzcomputer {m} | |
| comp. personal computer <PC> | Arbeitsplatzrechner {m} | |
| med. psych. personality change <PC> | Wesensänderung {f} | |
| med. pharyngeal carcinoma <PC> | Rachenkarzinom {n} | |
| electr. phase cut <PC> | Phasenanschnitt {m} | |
| anat. portal circulation <PC> | Portalgefäß {n} | |
| product change <PC> | Produktänderung {f} | |
| comp. program counter <PC> | Programmschrittzähler {m} | |
| project cycle <PC> | Projektzyklus {m} | |
| protective custody <PC> | Schutzgewahrsam {m} | |
| protective custody <PC> | Schutzhaft {f} | |
| telecom. pulse command <PC> | Impulsbefehl {m} | |
| electr. pulsed current <PC> | Impulsstrom {m} | |
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