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English-German translation for: pendulum
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Dictionary English German: pendulum

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
NOUN   a pendulum | pendulums/pendula
Pendel {n}
watches pendulum
Uhrenpendel {n}
2 Words: Nouns
math. (mathematical) pendulummathematisches Pendel {n}
watches adjustable pendulum [clock]Regulator {m} [Pendeluhr]
ballistic pendulumGeschosspendel {n}
phys. ballistic pendulumballistisches Pendel {n}
compound pendulumKompensationspendel {n}
phys. compound pendulumphysikalisches Pendel {n}
phys. double pendulumDoppelpendel {n}
phys. Foucault pendulumFoucault'sches Pendel {n}
phys. Foucault pendulumfoucaultsches Pendel {n}
phys. Foucault pendulumFoucaultsches Pendel {n} [alt]
phys. Foucault's pendulum [less common] [Foucault pendulum]Foucault-Pendel {n} [auch: Foucaultpendel]
tech. pendulum axlePendelachse {f}
watches pendulum bobLinse {f} [Pendellinse]
watches pendulum clockPendeluhr {f}
tech. pendulum compensationPendelausgleich {m}
phys. pendulum deflectionPendelausschlag {m}
esot. pendulum dowsingPendeln {n} [Okkultismus]
tech. pendulum hammerPendelhammer {m}
constr. pendulum hammerPendelschlaghammer {m}
tech. pendulum jaw [chuck jaw]Pendelbacke {f} [Spannbacke]
tech. pendulum machinePendelschlagwerk {n}
tech. pendulum measurementPendelmessung {f}
phys. pendulum motionPendelbewegung {f}
pendulum sawPendelkreissäge {f}
pendulum sawPendelsäge {f}
pendulum swing [also fig.]Pendelschlag {m} [auch fig.]
bot. pendulum symmetryPendelsymmetrie {f}
MedTech. pendulum therapyPendelbestrahlung {f}
rotating pendulumDrehpendel {n}
royal pendulum [less frequent than: second pendulum]königliches Pendel {n} [selten für: Sekundenpendel]
seconds pendulumSekundenpendel {n}
sidereal pendulumsiderisches Pendel {n} [Parapsychologie]
simple pendulumFadenpendel {n}
phys. spring pendulumFederpendel {n}
phys. spring pendulumFederschwinger {m}
phys. torsion pendulumTorsionspendel {n}
phys. torsional pendulumDrehpendel {n}
phys. torsional pendulumTorsionspendel {n}
phys. tech. triple pendulumDreifachpendel {n}
3 Words: Nouns
tech. pendulum bucket conveyorPendelbecherwerk {n}
tech. pendulum impact test [esp. of glass]Pendelschlagversuch {m}
tech. pendulum impact testerPendelschlagwerk {n}
watches precision pendulum clock <PPC>Präzisionspendeluhr {f} <PPU>
watches torsion (pendulum) clockDrehpendeluhr {f}
4 Words: Verbs
tech. to measure sth. with a pendulumetw. auspendeln
4 Words: Nouns
swing of the pendulumPendelschwingung {f}
pol. swing of the pendulumSchwingen {n} des Pendels
5+ Words: Nouns
med. pendulum motion of the heartHerzpendeln {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Foucault's Pendulum [Umberto Eco]Das Foucaultsche Pendel
lit. F The Pit and the Pendulum [Edgar Allan Poe]Die Grube und das Pendel
film F The Pit and the Pendulum [Roger Corman, 1961]Das Pendel des Todes
film F The Pit and the Pendulum [Stuart Gordon, 1991]Meister des Grauens
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A 2010-11-16: Typo: +pendulum+ step process
A 2010-02-17: Foucault's Pendulum?
A 2010-01-12: might be a typing error: PendelschIEber - pendulum valve ?
A 2009-02-12: Ich habe es mehrmals versucht The Island of the Day Before zu lesen - und ...
A 2008-08-24: das ist ein album von pendulum
A 2007-11-04: pendulum impact test
A 2006-03-17: What about: pendulum heel?
A 2005-09-26: Foucault's pendulum
A 2005-09-26: Foucault's pendulum
Q 2005-06-18: pendulum swing
A 2004-02-18: Suggest paraphrasing e.g. "naturopath using a pendulum"

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