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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: people's well-being
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: people's well being

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law child's well-beingKindeswohl {n}
to put one's well-being before sth.sein eigenes Wohl über etw. stellen
well-beingHeil {n} [Wohlergehen]
well-beingWohl {n}
well-beingWohlbefinden {n}
well-beingWohlergehen {n}
well-beingWohlleben {n} [geh.]
well-beingWohlsein {n}
econ. philos. well-beingWohlstand {m} [Wohlbefinden]
all being wellwenn alles gut geht
economic well-beingwirtschaftliches Wohlergehen {n}
psych. emotional well-beingseelisches Wohlbefinden {n}
material well-beingmaterielles Wohlbefinden {n}
material well-beingmaterielles Wohlergehen {n}
psych. subjective well-being <SWB>subjektives Wohlbefinden {n} <SWB>
feeling of well-beingGefühl {n} des Wohlbefindens
feeling of well-beingWohlbehagen {n} [geh.]
feeling of well-beingWohlempfinden {n}
sense of well-beingallgemeines Wohlbefinden {n}
sense of well-beingWohlgefühl {n}
well being [spv.] [well-being]Wohlsein {n}
to affect the well-being of us allunser aller Wohlbefinden beeinträchtigen
well-known peopleProminente {pl}
well-heeled people [coll.] [the rich]Betuchte {pl} [ugs.]
to put one's owns needs above other people'sdie eigenen Bedürfnisse über die anderer stellen
to put one's nose in other people's business [idiom]seine Nase in die Angelegenheiten anderer Leute stecken [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to stick one's nose in other people's business [idiom]die / seine Nase in anderer Leute Angelegenheiten stecken [Redewendung]
lit. F A Modest Proposal: For Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public [Jonathan Swift]Bescheidener Vorschlag, wie man verhüten kann, dass die Kinder armer Leute in Irland ihren Eltern oder dem Lande zur Last fallen, und wie sie der Allgemeinheit nutzbar gemacht werden können
sb.'s being herejds. Anwesenheit {f} (hier)
He's being helpful.Er ist hilfsbereit.
It's being worked upon.Es wird daran gearbeitet.
orn. T
He's just being X-rayed.Er ist gerade beim Röntgen.
It's being put to the test.Es steht auf dem Prüfstand. [fig.]
being faithful to one's husband or wifeeheliche Treue {f}
people's {adj} [attr.]Volks- [Volksrepublik etc.]
That's people.So sind die Menschen.
archi. relig. people's altarVolksaltar {m}
mil. people's armyVolksarmee {f}
people's assemblyVolksversammlung {f}
fin. people's bankVolksbank {f}
pol. people's chancellorVolkskanzler {m}
mus. people's choirVolkschor {m}
relig. people's churchVolkskirche {f}
hist. people's commissarVolkskommissar {m}
pol. people's communeVolkskommune {f}
people's communityVolksgemeinschaft {f} [rassistische Definition]
pol. people's councilVolksrat {m}
hist. law People's CourtVolksgerichtshof {m}
herald. people's crownVolkskrone {f}
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