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English-German translation for: peoples
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Dictionary English German: peoples

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
NOUN   - | people/peoples [the people who belong to a particular country, race, or area; countable; always with plural verb]
VERB  to people | peopled | peopled
peopling | peoples
Völker {pl}
ethn. peoples
Völkerschaften {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
hist. [German] peoples' federationVolksbund {m}
ethn. aboriginal peoplesUrvölker {pl}
mil. auxiliary peoplesHilfsvölker {pl}
ethn. Baltic peoplesbaltische Völker {pl}
civilized peoplesKulturvölker {pl}
cultured peoplesKulturvölker {pl}
ethn. Dom (peoples)Dom {pl} [Zigeuner-Volksgruppe]
foreign peoplesFremdvölker {pl}
free peoplesfreie Völker {pl}
hist. Germanic peoplesGermanen {pl}
ethn. hist. Germanic peoplesGermanenvölker {pl}
ethn. hill peoplesBergvölker {pl}
ethn. indigenous peoplesNaturvölker {pl}
ethn. indigenous peoplesindigene Völker {pl}
ethn. hist. Iranic peoplesiranische Völker {pl}
ethn. sociol. mountain peoplesBergvölker {pl}
sociol. natural peoplesNaturvölker {pl}
ethn. original peoplesUrvölker {pl}
peoples bank [spv.]Volksbank {f}
hist. relig. Peoples TempleVolkstempel {m}
ethn. primitive peoplesNaturvölker {pl}
ethn. Samoyedic peoplessamojedische Völker {pl}
ethn. hist. Sea PeoplesSeevölker {pl}
ethn. Slavic peoplesSlawen {pl} [Völker]
ethn. steppe peoplesSteppenvölker {pl}
threatened peoplesbedrohte Völker {pl}
ethn. Turkic peoplesTurkvölker {pl}
ethn. sociol. uncontacted peoples [tribes]isolierte Völker {pl}
relig. unreached peoplesunerreichte Völker {pl}
vagrant peoplesFahrende {pl} [Selbstbezeichnung]
3 Words: Nouns
battle between peoplesVölkerkampf {m} [Kampf der Völker]
blend of peoplesVölkergemisch {n}
ethn. hist. East Germanic peoplesOstgermanen {pl}
pol. family of peoplesVölkerfamilie {f}
ethn. Finno-Ugric peoplesfinnougrische Völker {pl}
Finno-Ugric peoplesfinno-ugrische Völker {pl}
ethn. First Nations peoples [original inhabitants of the land that is now Canada]Ureinwohner {pl} Kanadas
hist. migrations (of peoples)Völkerzüge {pl} [Völkerwanderungen]
mixture of peoplesVölkergemisch {n}
ethn. Native American peoplesIndianervölker {pl}
ethn. hist. North Germanic peoplesNordgermanen {pl}
archaeo. ethn. Stone Age peoplesSteinzeitvölker {pl}
ethn. hist. pol. system of peoplesVölkersystem {n}
ethn. hist. West Germanic peoplesWestgermanen {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
hist. migration of (the) peoplesVölkerwanderung {f}
hist. pol. prison of peoples / nations [also: Völkerkerker]Völkerkerker {m}
pol. Society for Threatened PeoplesGesellschaft {f} für bedrohte Völker <GfbV>
5+ Words: Nouns
law philos. (right of) self-determination of peoplesSelbstbestimmungsrecht {n} der Völker
all the peoples of the earthalle Völker {pl} der Erde
all the peoples of the worldalle Völker {pl} der Erde
all the peoples of the worldalle Völker {pl} der Welt
pol. Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America <ALBA>Bolivarianische Allianz {f} für die Völker unseres Amerika <ALBA>
relig. Congregation for the Evangelization of PeoplesKongregation {f} für die Evangelisierung der Völker
hist. relig. evangelization of the Germanic peoplesGermanenmission {f}
hist. mil. Medal for Gallantry and Merit for Members of the Eastern Peoples [WW II German Armed Forces]Tapferkeits- und Verdienstauszeichnung {f} für Angehörige der Ostvölker
relig. Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant PeoplesPäpstlicher Rat {m} der Seelsorge für Migranten und Reisende
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Q 2022-10-18: people oder peoples?
A 2011-10-25: or, the peoples who settled in Friesland were the same who immigrated to B...
A 2010-11-09: ...distinguishable for an +Asian?+ Are we lumping together Turks, Arabs, I...
A 2010-08-06: Peoples' = wenn's um verschiedene Völker geht
A 2009-05-12: The Ch. and J. are Asian peoples (KISS principle!) http://en.wikipedia....
A 2009-05-12: Asian peoples ?
Q 2009-04-20: no offense to you peoples out there who is from in England ...
A 2009-03-23: If a mess of potage or a morsel tossed to them did not succeed in assimila...
A 2009-03-22: The best way to communicate with other European or Asian (and of course Am...
A 2007-09-21: indigenous peoples
A 2007-09-17: ... layers which seem to embed/preserve the history of legends and culture...
A 2007-09-17: and of the familiarity with the legends and civilization of many generatio...
A 2007-03-26: If you are trying to find the level of peoples awareness
A 2007-03-18: sb. who catches other peoples sympathy, is very likable
A 2007-02-05: across the boundaries of peoples and races
A 2007-01-26: sorry Birgid, we crossed again...yes the maxim is that peoples health is
A 2006-05-16: peoples = Völker ?
A 2006-04-17: if it would just always be that easy to save other peoples' lives... :-)))

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