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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: per Express verschicken
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per Express verschicken in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: per Express verschicken

Translation 1 - 50 of 212  >>

to send expressper Express verschicken
Partial Matches
rail to send sth. by / via railetw. per Eisenbahn verschicken
to despatch [spv.]verschicken
to dispatchverschicken
to forwardverschicken
to sendverschicken
to send outverschicken
comm. to shipverschicken
to deportverschicken [Menschen]
to send off [dispatch, post, deport]verschicken [losschicken, verschleppen]
to ship abroadins Ausland verschicken
to Fedex [coll.]mit FedEx verschicken
to post sth. [esp. Br.] [send by post / mail]etw. verschicken [per Post]
to send awayverschicken [zur Kur etc.]
rail to railmit der Bahn verschicken
rail to send sth. by / via railetw. mit der Eisenbahn verschicken
express {adj}Express-
to send goods to a foreign countryWare in ein anderes Land verschicken
expeditiously {adv}express [ugs.]
quickly {adv}express [ugs.]
rail Acela (Express)Acela Express {m}
expedited serviceExpress-Dienst {m}
express mailExpress-Sendung {f}
climbing quickdrawExpress-Set {n}
film F Africa Express [Michele Lupo]Africa Express
lit. F Stamboul Train [Graham Greene] [Br.]Orient-Express
lit. F The Orient Express [Graham Greene] [Am.]Orient-Express
film F Safari Express [Duccio Tessari]Safari Express
film F The Sugarland Express [Steven Spielberg]Sugarland Express
film F The Titfield Thunderbolt [Charles Crichton]Titfield-Expreß
film lit. F Hogwarts Express [Harry Potter]Hogwarts-Express {m}
explicitly {adv}express [regional] [ausdrücklich]
rail intercity express (train)Intercity-Express {m} <ICE>
film F Blindfold [Philip Dunne]New York Express
film F Silver Streak [Arthur Hiller]Trans-Amerika-Express
rail express (train)Express {m} [österr.] [sonst veraltet]
meteo. Pineapple Express [coll.] [rainy weather system]Ananas-Express {m} [ugs.] [Regenwettersystem]
rail intercity express (train)Intercity-Expreß {m} <ICE> [alt]
film F Murder on the Orient Express [John Knatchbull]Mord im Orient-Expreß
film F Background to Danger [Raoul Walsh]Spion im Orient-Expreß
rail express (train)Expreß {m} [alt] [österr.] [sonst veraltet]
film F Midnight Express [Alan Parker]12 Uhr nachtsMidnight Express
film F The Blue Express [also: China Express] [Ilya Zakharovich Trauberg]Der blaue Express [alt: Der blaue Expreß]
film lit. F The Mystery of the Blue Train [novel: Agatha Christie, film: Hettie Macdonald]Der blaue Express [alt (Romantitel): Der blaue Expreß]
climbing express setExpress-Set {n} [auch {m}] [zwei Karabiner, die mit einer vernähten Bandschlinge verbunden sind]
per {prep}per [+Dat.]
automot. by trailers {adv}per Anhänger
by car {adv}per Auto
rail by train {adv}per Bahn
naut. per inland waterway vessel {adv}per Binnenschiff
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