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English-German translation for: per Mausklick
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Dictionary English German: per Mausklick

Translation 1 - 50 of 170  >>

comp. Internet at the click of a mouse {adv}per Mausklick
Keywords contained
comp. to activate sth. by mouse clicketw.Akk. per Mausklick aktivieren
comp. to control sth. by mouse clicketw.Akk. per Mausklick steuern
Partial Matches
comp. mouse clickMausklick {m}
per {prep}per [+Dat.]
automot. by trailers {adv}per Anhänger
by car {adv}per Auto
rail by train {adv}per Bahn
naut. per inland waterway vessel {adv}per Binnenschiff
definitionally {adv}per Definition
by definition {adv}per definitionem
law by decree {adv}per Dekret
by express {adv}per Eilbote
by express {adv}per Eilboten
by registered mail {adv}per Einschreiben
by registered post {adv}per Einschreiben
by ferry {adv}per Fähre
by remote control {adv}per Fernbedienung
telecom. by telex {adv}per Fernschreiben
telecom. by radio {adv}per Funk
law by law {adv}per Gesetz
by hand {adv}per Hand
manually {adv}per Hand
with a clasp of handsper Handschlag
telecom. via cell phone {adv} [Am.]per Handy
telecom. via mobile phone {adv}per Handy
by cable {adv}per Kabel
fin. by credit card {adv}per Kreditkarte
by drawing lots {adv}per Los
aviat. transp. by air {adv} [cargo]per Luftfracht
by airmail {adv}per Luftpost
par avion {adv}per Luftpost
comm. cash on delivery <COD>per Nachnahme
by mail {adv}per Post
by post order {adv} [Br.]per Postbestellung
by procuration {adv}per Prokura
law per pro {prep} [on behalf of another]per Prokura
per procuration {adv}per Prokura
per proxy {adv}per Prokura
fin. in net termsper saldo
acc. on balance {adv}per Saldo
rail by rail {adv}per Schiene
naut. by ship {adv}per Schiff
naut. by vessel {adv}per Schiff
telecom. by phone {adv}per Telefon
telecom. by telephone {adv}per Telefon
by telegram {adv}per Telegramm
accidentally {adv}per Zufall
chem. tetrachloroethene [C2Cl4]Per {n} [ugs.] [Tetrachlorethen]
chem. tetrachloroethylene [C2Cl4]Per {n} [ugs.] [Tetrachlorethen]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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