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English-German translation for: perfect copy
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Dictionary English German: perfect copy

Translation 1 - 50 of 565  >>

NOUN   a perfect copy | perfect copies
perfect copyperfekte Kopie {f}
Partial Matches
one-to-one copy <1:1 copy>Eins-zu-eins-Kopie {f} <1:1-Kopie>
perfect {adj}ausgezeichnet
perfect {adj}einwandfrei
perfect {adj}fehlerfrei
perfect {adj}fehlerlos
perfect {adj}formvollendet
perfect {adj}goldrichtig [ugs.]
perfect {adj}ideal
perfect {adj}lupenrein [fig.]
perfect {adj}makellos
perfect {adj}mustergültig
perfect {adj}perfekt
mus. perfect {adj}rein [Intervall]
perfect {adj}schulgerecht [geh.] [mustergültig, vollkommen]
perfect {adj}virtuos
perfect {adj}vollendet
perfect {adj}vollkommen
perfect {adj}vollständig
to perfectvervollkommnen
to perfectvollenden
to perfectvollkommen machen
to perfect sth.etw. vervollständigen
almost perfect {adj}nahezu perfekt
inch-perfect {adj}zentimetergenau
letter-perfect {adj}textsicher
more perfect {adj}einwandfreier
more perfect {adj}perfekter
most perfect {adj}einwandfreiste
most perfect {adj}perfekteste
nearly perfect {adj}fast perfekt
nearly perfect {adj}nahezu perfekt
Perfect match.Passt genau.
picture-perfect {adj}bildhübsch
picture-perfect {adj}bildschön
picture-perfect {adj}malerisch
picture-perfect {adj}schmuck [veraltend]
picture-perfect {adj}wie gemalt [nachgestellt]
word-perfect {adj}textsicher
to perfect oneselfsich vervollkommnen
ling. (present) perfectPerfekt {n}
ling. future perfectFutur II {n} [vollendete Zukunft]
ling. future perfectvollendete Zukunft {f} [Futur II]
ling. past perfectVorvergangenheit {f}
perfect accessoryperfektes Zubehör {n}
perfect alibiperfektes Alibi {n}
perfect bindingKlebebindung {f}
perfect bindingKlebeheftung {f}
mus. perfect cadenceauthentische Kadenz {f}
mus. perfect cadenceauthentischer Schluss {m}
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