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English-German translation for: periods
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Dictionary English German: periods

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
NOUN   a period | periods
Zeiten {pl}
Perioden {pl}
ling. periods [Am.]
Punkte {pl} [Satzzeichen]
Zeitabschnitte {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
educ. (school) periodsSchulstunden {pl}
meteo. cold periodsKaltzeiten {pl}
fin. insur. credited periodsAnrechnungszeiten {pl}
free periodsFreistunden {pl}
return periodsWiederkehrintervalle {pl}
tech. standstill periodsStillstandzeiten {pl}
insur. substitute periodsErsatzzeiten {pl}
waiting periodsKarenzzeiten {pl}
geol. meteo. warm periodsWarmzeiten {pl}
3 Words: Others
at peak periods {adv}zu Spitzenzeiten
for long periods {adv}über weite Strecken [Zeit]
for longer periods {adv}längerfristig
from different periods {adv}aus verschiedenen Zeiten
3 Words: Nouns
med. periods of activityAktivitätsphasen {pl}
periods of crisisKrisenzeiten {pl}
econ. periods of lossVerlustphasen {pl}
med. periods of remissionRemissionsperioden {pl}
periods of restRuhezeiten {pl}
periods of timeZeiträume {pl}
admin. law periods of transitionÜbergangsfristen {pl}
fin. short repayment periodskurze Laufzeiten {pl}
4 Words: Verbs
to divide (up) into periodsperiodisieren [geh.]
4 Words: Nouns
agreement on rest periodsVereinbarung {f} von Ruhepausen
periods of sickness absenceAbwesenheitszeiten {pl} wegen Krankheit
acad. recognition of study periodsAnerkennung {f} von Studienzeiten
acad. educ. semester periods per weekSemesterwochenstunden {pl} <SWS>
5+ Words: Others
comm. econ. during periods of high demand {adv}in Zeiten hoher Nachfrage
for extended periods (of time) {adv}für längere Zeit
sports training sessions and rest periods [principle of exercise]Belastung und Erholung [Trainingsprinzip]
5+ Words: Nouns
med. pain {sg} after (periods of) inactivity [pain on initial movement]Anlaufschmerzen {pl} [bes. beim Aufstehen nach längerem Sitzen]
med. pain after (periods of) inactivityAnlaufpein {f} [seltener für: Anlaufschmerz]
med. pain after (periods of) inactivityAnlaufschmerz {m} [bes. beim Aufstehen nach längerem Sitzen]
periods of bright sunshine interspersed with showerssonnige Abschnitte {pl} mit vereinzelten Regenschauern
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Q 2017-04-06: whose periods in ...
A 2016-01-29: In refinancing credit activities, the target is to correlate maturity peri...
A 2011-10-10: Production schedules make allowance for the holiday periods of employees' ...
A 2011-07-18: http://www.google.co.uk/#sclient=psy&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=626&source=hp&q=ho...
Q 2011-06-08: acute, delayed and overall periods
A 2010-11-05: periods outside the time frame
Q 2010-10-01: This was one of the worst periods of my life
A 2010-04-26: Study periods abroad
A 2010-04-10: Either contract and period is or contracts and periods are.
A 2009-11-26: Two different periods here, I believe. (10 yrs. and 1 yr.)
A 2009-10-08: While the investigation by F. covers the Preboreal to Subatlantic periods,...
A 2009-03-03: Austrian insurance periods were not completed
Q 2008-10-28: veterinary medicine withdrawal periods
A 2008-08-17: Typo: as well as their +circulation+ periods
A 2008-08-17: itemized according to advertising media, their circulation figures as well...
A 2008-03-25: periods in which no work can be done
A 2008-01-30: This contract will be automatically renewed for successive periods of one ...
A 2008-01-18: the guarantee/warranty periods have lapsed
Q 2008-01-14: What are "holiday blackout periods"?
A 2007-12-14: You may only register (with the college/whatever) during these periods

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