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English-German translation for: permitted
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Dictionary English German: permitted

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
VERB  to permit | permitted | permitted ... 
permitted {adj} {past-p}
permitted {adj} {past-p}
permitted {adj}
permitted {adj} {past-p}
permitted {adj} {past-p}
traffic permitted {adj}
2 Words: Others
maximum permitted {adj} [level, concentration]höchstzulässig
not permitted {adj}unerlaubt
not permitted {adj} {past-p}verboten
not permitted {adj}nicht zugelassen
2 Words: Nouns
permitted hours [time during which people, e.g. teenagers, are allowed to leave the home]Ausgehzeit {f}
permitted usezulässige Nutzung {f}
time permittedvorgegebene Zeit {f}
3 Words: Others
law permitted by law {adj} [postpos.]gesetzlich zulässig
unless expressly permittedsoweit nicht ausdrücklich gestattet
3 Words: Nouns
transp. maximum permitted loadNutzlast {f}
permitted / permissive path [Br.]freigegebener Weg {m} [öffentliches Wegerecht in England und Wales]
pharm. permitted daily exposure <PDE>zulässige Tageshöchstmenge {f} [maximal zulässiger täglicher Aufnahmewert]
EU pharm. permitted daily exposure <PDE>maximal zulässige tägliche Aufnahmemenge {f}
4 Words: Others
if I were permittedwenn ich dürfte
not permitted in Germanyin Deutschland nicht erlaubt
4 Words: Verbs
to be permitted to do sth.etw. tun dürfen
4 Words: Nouns
transp. time permitted for loadingZeitvorgabe {f} für die Beladung
transp. time permitted for unloadingZeitvorgabe {f} für Entladen
5+ Words: Others
Banks are only permitted to act ...Banken sind nur berechtigt zu verfahren ...
quote Is a democracy, where it is not permitted to say that it is not really a democracy, really a real democracy?Ist eine Demokratie, in der man nicht sagen darf, dass sie keine wirkliche Demokratie ist, wirklich eine wirkliche Demokratie? [Erich Fried]
admin. constr. permitted for use by the supervising authority {adj}durch die Bauaufsichtsbehörde zugelassen [amtliche Erlaubnis erteilt]
comp. This command is not permitted / accepted while the procedure is in progress.Innerhalb von Prozeduren ist dieses Kommando nicht erlaubt.
law to the extent permitted by law {adv}soweit gesetzlich zulässig
law to the extent permitted by law {adv}im gesetzlich zulässigen Umfang
5+ Words: Nouns
calculating the permitted building areaErmittlung {f} der zulässigen Grundfläche
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A 2021-09-07: Distinguish: matters permitted to vote on vs matters prohibited to vote on
A 2016-07-05: Yes, permitted/authorised to subscribe for .....
Q 2016-01-11: Sentence making no sense - 'not permitted, but...'
A 2015-06-04: Beyond what is permitted by law, we will not process your personal data wi...
A 2015-01-04: The procedure permitted one in five results being false-positive
Q 2015-01-04: permitted - which form of the verb follows?
A 2014-06-04: at Iriemon: "to the fullest extent permitted" - meines Wissens darf der gr...
A 2013-07-25: serf wasn't permitted off the chains for a while
Q 2013-05-13: Excursions permitted to 15 - 30 °C
A 2011-10-04: If permitted, you could put [Land Rover] behind "Landies" as an explanatio...
Q 2011-09-29: Any action required or permitted to be taken at any partners meeting
A 2011-01-31: permitted/allowed/legal by German case law
A 2010-10-30: Perhaps "permitted layout variation"
A 2009-10-27: he permitted that weakness to get the better of him again -- and a minute ...
A 2009-10-26: He permitted (his) weakness(es) to get the better of him again.
A 2009-08-22: Maybe - "Perhaps I may be permitted the observation that ..."
A 2009-07-01: ... translated +correctly?+ Thou decidest all by thyself and orderest it a...
Q 2009-06-12: successor vs. "permitted" assign
A 2009-05-25: .... and ceased to have her permitted say
Q 2009-05-24: .... and ceased to have her permitted say

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