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English-German translation for: personally
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Dictionary English German: personally

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
SYNO   in person | personally
personally {adv}
personally {adv}
persönlich <pers.>
law personally {adv}in eigener Person [persönlich]
2 Words: Others
I personallyich meinerseits
personally addressed {adj} {past-p}persönlich adressiert
med. personally administered {adj}persönlich verabreicht
personally known {adj}persönlich bekannt
personally negotiated {adj}persönlich ausgehandelt
personally qualified {adj}persönlich geeignet
personally responsible {adj}persönlich haftend
personally signed {adj} [copy of a book, photo, etc.]persönlich signiert
personally signed {adj} [letter, contract, etc.]persönlich unterschrieben
2 Words: Verbs
to appear personallypersönlich erscheinen
to know sb. personallyjdn. persönlich kennen
to receive sth. personallyetw. persönlich entgegennehmen
to sign sth. personallyetw.Akk. eigenhändig unterschreiben
to sign sth. personallyetw.Akk. persönlich unterschreiben
to take sth. personallyetw. persönlich nehmen
idiom to take sth. personallysichDat. etw. anziehen [ugs.] [auf sich beziehen]
to take sth. personallyetw.Akk. auf sichAkk. beziehen
to take sth. personallysichDat. den Schuh anziehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [etw. auf sich beziehen]
3 Words: Others
personally addressed to sb. {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]persönlich an jdn. adressiert
3 Words: Verbs
law to be personally liablepersönlich haften
to personally see (that) ...persönlich dafür sorgen, dass ...
3 Words: Nouns
(personally) negotiated salaryaußertarifliches Gehalt {n}
law personally identifiable information <PII>personenbezogene Daten {pl}
personally liable partnerpersönlich haftender Gesellschafter {m}
personally-negotiated contractspersönlich ausgehandelte Verträge {pl}
4 Words: Others
I personally believe that ...Ich persönlich glaube, dass ...
personally read and signedselbst gelesen und unterschrieben <sguu, s.g.u.u.>
personally read and signedselbst gesichtet und abgezeichnet <sguu. s.g.u.u.>
Personally, I believe (that) ...Ich persönlich glaube, dass ...
Personally, I think that ...Ich persönlich bin der Meinung, dass ...
4 Words: Verbs
to attend the meeting personallypersönlich bei der Konferenz anwesend sein
5+ Words: Others
He attended personally in court.Er erschien persönlich vor Gericht.
law personally and manually written and signedprivatschriftlich [handgeschrieben und unterzeichnet] [z. B. Testament]
She will welcome you personally.Sie wird Sie persönlich willkommen heißen. [formelle Anrede]
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A 2020-10-12: Personally, I love hearing unusual pronunciations. I have learnt to regret...
A 2019-04-25: Personally, +beyond doubt+ says it all, the longer versions I feel to be a...
A 2018-10-16: personal data, personally identifiable information
Q 2018-05-24: Personal Information vs. Personally Identifiable Information (PI/PII)
A 2017-12-04: There is also +personally identifiable data+
A 2017-12-04: So +personally identifiable information,+ as you suggested (16:34), may be...
A 2017-02-18: Oder: Den 51er Bus nehmen / Den 51er nehmen (no matter whether you are on ...
A 2017-02-17: Personally, I like it short and simple,
A 2016-12-11: And I personally doubt that TL or his publisher would have welcomed or ack...
A 2016-10-15: I might personally use one rather than the other in any particular situation,
A 2016-08-13: +I have had a breakdown+ - this means you personally have had a nervous/em...
A 2016-04-19: I can't personally recommend one.
Q 2016-02-12: ...hat the chances 'personally' that
A 2015-07-08: Or, if you want to translate the +ihnen+ - who personally did not know wha...
A 2015-03-20: K+N Sp-AG that took the place of the general partner, personally liable fo...
A 2014-12-08: Personally, I would plump for 2) with 1) being a legitimate if less logica...
A 2014-04-11: A +freedman+ was technically a +libertus+ - personally a man of diminished...
Q 2013-10-17: personally
A 2013-05-28: An "Einlassung" is not necessarily a defence, it's just s.th. that is decl...
A 2013-02-23: +dry port+ ~ +dry port wine+ is hardly AE; being friends with a London win...

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