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English-German translation for: petition
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Dictionary English German: petition

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NOUN   a petition | petitions
SYNO   petition | postulation | request ... 
NOUN   die Petition | die Petitionen
SYNO   Bitte | Bittgesuch | Gesuch ... 
to petition
to petition
to petitioneine Petition einreichen
Gesuch {n} [Bittschrift]
Bittschrift {f}
law petition
Antrag {m}
Bitte {f}
petition [collection of signatures]
Unterschriftensammlung {f}
admin. law petition
Eingabe {f}
law petition
Antragsschrift {f}
Petition {f} [Amtssprache]
Bittgesuch {n}
petition [in letter form]
Bittbrief {m}
petitionBittschreiben {n} [Bittgesuch]
petitionPetitum {n} [Antrag, Gesuch]
hist. spec. petitionSupplik {f} [Bittschrift]
petitionSupplikation {f} [veraltet]
2 Words: Nouns
econ. law bankruptcy petitionKonkursantrag {m}
law divorce petitionScheidungsantrag {m}
hist. relig. Millenary PetitionMillenary Petition {f}
petition committeePetitionsausschuss {m}
admin. law pol. petition rightAntragsrecht {n}
law pol. popular petitionVolkspetition {f}
law popular petition [in Austria]Volksbegehren {n}
admin. TrVocab. visa petitionVisumsantrag {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to address a petitioneine Petition einreichen
law to allow a petitioneiner Petition stattgeben
to enter a petitioneine Bittschrift einreichen
to file a petitioneine Bittschrift einreichen
law to file a petitioneinen Antrag stellen
to grant a petitionein Bittgesuch genehmigen
law to petition for divorcedie Scheidung einreichen
to present a petitioneine Bittschrift vorlegen
to receive a petitioneine Petition entgegennehmen
to reject a petitioneine Petition ablehnen
to sign a petitioneine Petition unterschreiben
to support a petitionein Bittgesuch befürworten
3 Words: Nouns
pol. freedom of petitionPetitionsrecht {n}
econ. law petition for bankruptcyKonkursantrag {m}
petition for bread [Lord's Prayer]Brotbitte {f} [Vaterunser]
petition for clemencyGnadengesuch {n}
petition for divorceEhescheidungsklage {f}
law petition for divorceScheidungsbegehren {n}
petition for mercyGnadengesuch {n}
admin. pol. petition for naturalizationEinbürgerungsantrag {m}
law petition for pardonGnadengesuch {n}
petition for releaseEntlassungsgesuch {n}
econ. law petition in bankruptcyKonkursantrag {m}
law petition of graceGnadengesuch {n}
relig. prayer of petitionBittgebet {n}
admin. law pol. right of petitionAntragsrecht {n}
right of petitionPetitionsrecht {n}
law winding-up petitionLiquidationsantrag {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to address a petition to sb.eine Bittschrift an jdn. richten
to address a petition to sb.sich mit einer Petition an jdn. wenden
4 Words: Nouns
dispatch of a petition(schnelle) Erledigung {f} eines Gesuchs [Bittschrift]
filing of a petitionHinterlegung {f} einer Eingabe
person filing a petitioneine Petition stellende Person {f}
law petition for a divorceScheidungsantrag {m}
pol. petition for a referendumVolksbegehren {n}
petition for a reliefAbhilfegesuch {n}
rejection of a petitionAblehnung {f} einer Petition
5+ Words: Others
relig. in the spirit of petition {adv} [spirit of prayer]im Geiste des Gebets
5+ Words: Verbs
econ. law to file a petition for bankruptcyKonkurs beantragen
law to file a petition for divorcedie Scheidung einreichen
law to file a petition for divorceeinen Scheidungsantrag stellen
econ. law to file a petition in insolvencyeinen Konkursantrag stellen
to put a petition on the shelf [idiom]eine Petition unbeachtet lassen
5+ Words: Nouns
law petition to modify a judgmentAbänderungsklage {f}
law right to petition the governmentPetitionsfreiheit {f}
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Q 2023-03-14: law to file [a suit, a petition for divorce] [Akk.] einreichen [Klage...
Q 2017-01-31: Any New Yorkers here who would like to sign the NY petition?
A 2015-05-21: ? https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22joint+divorce+petition%22 ?
A 2013-06-14: If you, too, would like to help 29 yr old Edward Snowden, please sign the ...
A 2012-04-06: If this is from a court decision, "petition" may be better than "application."
A 2011-10-30: 13:31 - Isn't it " +citizens'+ petition" (or " +citizens'+ initiative" for...
A 2011-04-15: Er hat die Gegen-Petition initiiert.
Q 2011-04-15: mounting a petition
Q 2010-10-18: Joint Petition for Summary Decree of Divorce
A 2010-02-09: obligation to file one's insolvency petition
A 2009-01-28: Ein tributary memorial ist ein erklärendes Begleitschreiben zu einer Petit...
A 2008-12-02: Petition for the sample proceeding
Q 2007-12-11: petition for adjudication of incompetence....
A 2007-10-12: eine Petition als ziviler Ungehorsam?
A 2006-09-06: obligation to file one's bankruptcy petition
A 2006-08-03: ...and file a petition for divorce.
Q 2006-05-10: Pre-petition-Status??
A 2005-10-17: 9. Antrag auf Aussetzung des Vollzugs > petition / request to stay execution
A 2005-07-08: petition (legal) > Eingabe, Gesuch (jur.)
A 2005-07-08: petitionable matter = Gegenstand der Petition

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