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English-German translation for: phonetic
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Dictionary English German: phonetic

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

English German
ADJ   phonetic | - | -
NOUN   a phonetic [Chinese character] | phonetics
SYNO   phonetic | phonic
ling. phonet. phonetic {adj}
ling. phonet. phonetic {adj}
ling. phonet. phonetic {adj}
fonetisch [Rsv.]
ling. phonet. phonetic {adj}die Laute betreffend
ling. phonet. phonetic [Chinese character]
Phonetikum {n} [chinesisches Schriftzeichen]
2 Words: Nouns
ling. phonet. phonetic actphonetischer Akt {m}
ling. phonet. phonetic alignmentphonetische Alignierung {f}
ling. phonet. phonetic alphabetBuchstabieralphabet {n}
ling. phonet. phonetic alphabetBuchstabiertafel {f}
ling. phonet. phonetic alphabetFliegeralphabet {n} [nicht mehr in Gebrauch]
ling. phonet. phonetic changeLautverschiebung {f}
ling. publ. phonetic dictionaryAussprachewörterbuch {n}
ling. phonet. phonetic languageLautsprache {f}
ling. phonet. phonetic patternLautmuster {n} [sprachlich]
ling. phonet. phonetic pictureLautbild {n}
ling. phonet. phonetic scriptLautschrift {f}
ling. phonet. phonetic scriptphonetische Schrift {f}
ling. phonet. phonetic shiftLautwandel {m}
ling. phonet. phonetic spellingLautschrift {f}
ling. phonet. phonetic syllableSprechsilbe {f}
ling. phonet. phonetic symbolLautzeichen {n}
ling. phonet. phonetic transcriptionLautschrift {f}
phonet. phonetic typewritersprachgesteuerte Schreibmaschine {f}
phonet. phonetic variantAussprachevariante {f}
ling. phonet. phonetic wordphonetisches Wort {n}
3 Words: Nouns
ling. phonet. International Phonetic Alphabet <IPA>Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet {n} <IPA>
ling. phonet. International Phonetic Association <IPA>Weltlautschriftverein {m}
mil. NATO phonetic alphabetNATO-Buchstabieralphabet {n}
mil. NATO phonetic alphabetNATO-Buchstabiertafel {f}
ling. phonet. phonetic (sound) sequence(phonetische) Lautfolge {f}
audio ling. phonet. phonetic discrimination abilityLautdifferenzierungsfähigkeit {f}
ling. phonet. phonetic picture-writingLautbildschrift {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet <JAN Phonetic Alphabet> [United States Armed Forces, 1941 - 1956]einheitliches Buchstabieralphabet {n} der US-Streitkräfte
ling. phonet. words in phonetic picture-writingLautbild-Worte {pl}
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A 2022-03-30: Mein Favorit: phonetic punctuation
A 2012-12-27: What is more, people entering pronunciations in phonetic script would have...
Q 2011-12-29: My German-speaking Grandfather called me Pupshen (no idea on spelling, goi...
A 2011-09-24: Please resort to PONS in such cases - which also renders pronunciation in ...
A 2011-05-29: Why dict.cc steers clear of the International Phonetic Alphabet beats me
A 2010-12-31: Resort to a dictionary with phonetic transcription to see any real differences
A 2010-09-17: @ RolBorch - International Phonetic Alphabet - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipa
A 2010-08-30: phonetic punctuation is always good for a laugh. Wasn't it Victor Borge wh...
Q 2010-08-30: And what about the benefits of phonetic punctuation?
A 2010-01-10: phonetic spelling ?
A 2009-10-26: not a phonetic language
A 2007-04-26: phonetic a, e ?
A 2007-03-08: phonetic punctuation system - besser
A 2007-02-19: :-)) in this case, it's sort of a phonetic homonym/homophone:
A 2007-01-02: acc. to phonetic law
Q 2006-09-20: phonetic transcription
A 2005-08-20: phonetic symbols
Q 2005-05-03: AUCH MY YO (Phonetic version)
A 2005-01-21: Your question has me stumped - is your attempt at a phonetic rendering correct?
A 2005-01-10: Could be a phonetic spelling of Mudesheim

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