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English-German translation for: photoelektrischer Effekt
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Dictionary English German: photoelektrischer Effekt

Translation 1 - 50 of 311  >>

SYNO   Fotoelektrizität | Photoelektrizität ... 
phys. photoelectric effect <PE>photoelektrischer Effekt {m}
Partial Matches
chem. alpha effect <α-effect>Alpha-Effekt {m} <α-Effekt>
chem. electromeric effect <M effect>mesomerer Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. mesomeric effect <M effect>mesomerer Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. resonance effect <M effect>mesomerer Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. electromeric effect <M effect>Mesomerie-Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. mesomeric effect <M effect>Mesomerie-Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. resonance effect <M effect>Mesomerie-Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
agency [effect, impact]Effekt {m}
effectEffekt {m}
impactEffekt {m}
ramificationEffekt {m} [Auswirkung]
aha effectAha-Effekt {m}
aliasingAlias-Effekt {m}
biol. allee effectAllee-Effekt {m}
biochem. allosteric effectallosterischer Effekt {m}
chem. anomeric effectanomerer Effekt {m}
MedTech. phys. Auger effectAuger-Effekt {m}
optics autokinetic effectautokinetischer Effekt {m}
electr. avalanche effectAvalanche-Effekt {m}
biol. Baldwin effectBaldwin-Effekt {m}
hunting Bambi effectBambi-Effekt {m}
psych. bandwagon effectBandwagon-Effekt {m}
Barnum effectBarnum-Effekt {m}
chem. bathochromic effectbathochromer Effekt {m}
chem. bathochromic shift (effect)bathochromer Effekt {m}
textil. batik effectBatik-Effekt {m}
phys. Bernoulli effectBernoulli-Effekt {m}
cheap effectbilliger Effekt {m}
ecol. med. MedTech. biological effectbiologischer Effekt {m}
comp. photo. bloom effectBloom-Effekt {m}
electr. MedTech. spec. blooming effectBlooming-Effekt {m}
biochem. Bohr effectBohr-Effekt {m}
MedTech. blood oxygenation level dependent effect <BOLD effect>BOLD-Effekt {m}
med. booster effectBooster-Effekt {m}
psych. sociol. bystander apathyBystander-Effekt {m}
psych. sociol. bystander effectBystander-Effekt {m}
phys. hot chocolate effectCappuccino-Effekt {m}
psych. Carpenter effectCarpenter-Effekt {m}
ideomotor effectCarpenter-Effekt {m}
chem. chelate effectChelat-Effekt {m}
mus. chorus effect [sound processing]Chorus-Effekt {m}
electr. colossal magnetoresistance effect <CMR effect>CMR-Effekt {m}
audio columella effectColumella-Effekt {m}
MedTech. phys. Compton effectCompton-Effekt {m}
fin. financial contagionContagion-Effekt {m}
phys. Coriolis effectCoriolis-Effekt {m}
chem. Cotton effectCotton-Effekt {m}
biochem. Crabtree effectCrabtree-Effekt {m}
spec. crossover effectCrossover-Effekt {m}
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photodynamische Therapie
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• photoelektrischer Effekt
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