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English-German translation for: photograph
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Dictionary English German: photograph

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NOUN   a photograph | photographs
VERB  to photograph | photographed | photographed ... 
SYNO   to photograph | to shoot | to snap ... 
NOUN   der Photograph | die Photographen
SYNO   Bildermacher | Fotograf | Photograph
photo. to photograph
photo. to photograph sth./sb.
jdn./etw. aufnehmen
photo. to photograph sb./sth.
jdn./etw. abfotografieren
photo. to photographphotographieren [alt]
photo. photograph
Foto {n} [schweiz. auch {f}]
photo. photograph
Aufnahme {f}
jobs photographer
Photograph {m}
photo. photograph
Fotografie {f}
photo. photograph
Photo {n}
photo. photograph
Fotoaufnahme {f}
photo. photograph
Lichtbild {n} [veraltend für: Foto, amtssprachlich für: Passbild]
photo. photographfotografische Aufnahme {f}
photo. photograph [printed on paper]Papierbild {n}
2 Words: Nouns
photo. aerial photographLuftaufnahme {f}
photo. aerial photographLuftbild {n}
photo. aerial photographLuftbildaufnahme {f}
air photographLuftaufnahme {f}
air photographLuftbild {n}
air photographLuftbildaufnahme {f}
photo. amateur photographAmateurfoto {n}
anniversary photographJubiläumsfoto {n} [schweiz. auch {f}]
photo. archive photographArchivbild {n}
backlighted photographFoto {n} [schweiz. auch {f}] mit Rücklicht
photo. backlit photographGegenlichtaufnahme {f}
photo. color photograph [Am.]Farbaufnahme {f}
photo. color photograph [Am.]Farbfoto {n}
photo. color photograph [Am.]Farbfotografie {f} [Farbfoto]
photo. color photograph [Am.]Farbphotographie {f} [Farbfoto]
photo. colour photograph [Br.]Farbaufnahme {f}
photo. colour photograph [Br.]Farbfoto {n}
photo. colour photograph [Br.]Farbfotografie {f} [Farbfoto]
photo. composite photographFotomontage {f}
photo. digital photographDigitalfoto {n}
photo. flash photographBlitzlichtaufnahme {f}
MedTech. fundus photographFundusaufnahme {f} [Fundusfoto]
photo. infrared photographInfrarotaufnahme {f}
photo. landscape photograph [photo of a landscape]Landschaftsaufnahme {f}
photo. library photographArchivbild {n}
photo. mapping photographMessbild {n}
photo. night photographNachtaufnahme {f}
photo. nude photographAktaufnahme {f}
photo. nude photographAktfoto {n} [schweiz. auch {f}]
photo. nude photographAktfotografie {f} [Bild]
photo. nude photographAktphotographie {f} [Bild]
photo. nude photographNacktfoto {n}
photo. original photographOriginalaufnahme {f}
photo. panoramic photographPanoramaaufnahme {f} [auch: Panorama-Aufnahme]
admin. photo. passport photographPassbild {n}
admin. photo. passport photographPaßbild {n} [alt]
admin. photo. passport photographPassfoto {n} [schweiz. auch {f}]
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Q 2017-12-12: photograph sharing website
A 2015-08-17: just seen in the Independent (online): Photograph: XYZ
A 2015-08-12: It's usually used meaning posing for a photograph,
Q 2012-03-02: DMV photograph
A 2011-05-03: "personal use printing" = printing by the persons actually shown in the ph...
A 2011-03-21: It's called the 'source photograph' in the art world.
A 2010-04-28: photograph.
A 2009-05-12: "a photography" doesn't make sense. a "photograph" ?
A 2007-11-11: I am afraid to tell you that it is not possible to interview or photograph...
A 2006-08-05: photograph, photo, stills ... ?
A 2006-07-17: ? photograph (Person ist abkonterfeit)
A 2006-03-13: passport photograph
A 2005-12-06: still / still photograph, photogram
A 2005-11-23: cOnfuses... and photograph without y.... I'll go home *g*
A 2005-09-20: photograph / photograph's author (as if the image were a breathing creature)
A 2005-03-26: Farbaufnahme=colour photograph
A 2004-02-27: I hope you took a photograph :-)

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