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English-German translation for: photographed wearing
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: photographed wearing

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photographed {adj} {past-p}abfotografiert
photographed {adj} {past-p}fotografiert
pharm. wearing-off effectWearing-Off-Effekt {m}
photo. photographed upskirt [coll.] [up-skirt photograph]unter den Rock fotografiert [ugs.] [Upskirt-Foto]
wearing {adj} {pres-p}abnützend
wearing {adj} {pres-p}aufreibend
wearing {adj}ermüdend
wearing {adj}strapaziös
wearing {adj} {pres-p}zermürbend
wearing {adj} [exhausting]anstrengend
hard-wearing {adj}strapazierbar
hard-wearing {adj}strapazierfähig
hard-wearing {adj}unempfindlich
hard-wearing {adj}verschleißfest
hard-wearing {adj}widerstandsfähig
cloth. hat-wearing {adj} {pres-p}huttragend
wearing boots {adj}gestiefelt
wearing down {pres-p}ermattend
med. mask wearingMaskentragen {n}
cloth. wearing comfortTragekomfort {m}
wearing downZermürbung {f}
pharm. wearing offAbnutzung {f}
tech. wearing partVerschleißteil {n}
tech. wearing partsVerschleißteile {pl}
wearing plateVerschleißplatte {f}
comm. wearing qualityGüteklasse {f}
cloth. wearing sensationTragegefühl {n}
wearing surfaceVerschleißschicht {f}
wearing timeTragedauer {f}
wearing {adj} {pres-p}tragend [Kleidung etc.]
cloth. wearing apparel [formal]Bekleidung {f}
cloth. wearing apparel [formal]Kleidung {f}
persons wearing glassesBrillenträger {pl}
wearing of blackfaceBlackfacing {n}
hard-wearing {adj}dankbar [ugs.] [strapazierfähig]
wearing a cap {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]bemützt
conflict over mask wearingMaskenstreit {m}
transp. mandatory seat belt wearingAnschnallpflicht {f}
mandatory wearing of helmetsHelmpflicht {f}
woman wearing a headscarfKopftuchträgerin {f}
wearing a blouseeine Bluse tragend
cloth. wearing summer clothes {adj} [postpos.]sommerlich gekleidet
cloth. wearing winter clothes {adj} [postpos.]winterlich gekleidet
boy wearing sandalsJunge {m} in Sandalen
gentleman wearing / in tailsbefrackter Herr {m}
law pol. ban on wearing face coveringsVermummungsverbot {n}
relig. wearing the full (body) veilGanzkörperverschleierung {f}
cloth. beret-wearing {adj} [mostly attr.]mit Baskenmütze [nachgestellt]
tech. wearing behavior [Am.] [rare] [wear behavior]Verschleißverhalten {n}
tech. wearing behaviour [Br.] [rare] [wear behaviour]Verschleißverhalten {n}
law mandatory wearing of helmetsHelmtragpflicht {f} [Rsv.] [Helmtragepflicht]
wearing of seat beltsAnlegen {n} der Sicherheitsgurte
cloth. relig. the wearing of headscarvesdas Tragen {n} von Kopftüchern
wearing (of) a veil [covering the face]Gesichtsverhüllung {f}
Wearing a helmet is compulsory.Es besteht Helmpflicht.
wearing out {adj} {pres-p}sichAkk. abnützend [bes. südd., österr., schweiz.]
mandatory mask-wearingMaskenpflicht {f} [Pflicht zum Tragen einer Gesichtsmaske]
My patience is wearing thin.Mir reißt der Geduldsfaden.
Their patience is wearing thin.Ihnen reißt der Geduldsfaden.
bike mandatory wearing of bicycle helmetsVelohelmpflicht {f} [schweiz.] [Fahrrad-Helmpflicht]
to not be wearing blinkers [idiom]über den Tellerrand hinausschauen [Redewendung]
mandatory wearing of masksMaskenpflicht {f} [Pflicht zum Tragen einer Gesichtsmaske]
Our patience is wearing thin.Unsere Geduld geht zu Ende.
Why is he wearing sunglasses?Warum trägt er eine Sonnenbrille?
She is wearing such a plunging neckline, ...Ihr Ausschnitt ist so tief, ...
She is wearing such a plunging neckline, ...Ihr Dekolleté ist so tief, ...
She is wearing such a low-cut neckline, ...Ihr Ausschnitt ist so tief, ...
She is wearing such a low-cut neckline, ...Ihr Dekolleté ist so tief, ...
to become accustomed to wearing a prosthesissichAkk. an das Tragen einer Prothese gewöhnen
textil. wearing [e.g. before wearing the garment]Ingebrauchnahme {f} [Papierdeutsch] [z. B. vor Ingebrauchnahme des Kleidungsstücks]
idiom The cap doesn't fit and I'm not wearing it!Diesen Schuh ziehe ich mir nicht an!
I've never seen him wearing jeans.Ich hab ihn nie Jeans tragen sehen.
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photo- / foto-
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