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English-German translation for: photography
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Dictionary English German: photography

Translation 1 - 50 of 108  >>

English German
NOUN   photography | -
SYNO   photography | picture taking
photo. photography
Fotografie {f} [Verfahren]
photo. photography [practice or occupation]
Photographieren {n} [alt]
photo. photography [practice or occupation]
Fotografieren {n}
photo. photographyPhotographie {f} [Verfahren]
photo. photography {sg} [body of photographs]Aufnahmen {pl} [Fotografien]
photo. photography {sg} [body of photographs]Bilder {pl} [Fotografien]
photo. photography {sg} [body of photographs]Fotografien {pl}
2 Words: Others
photo. photography-addicted {adj} [mostly attr.]fotografiesüchtig
2 Words: Nouns
photo. aerial photographyAerofotografie {f} [Fotografieren aus Luftfahrzeugen]
photo. aerial photographyAerophotographie {f} [Rsv.] [Fotografieren aus Luftfahrzeugen]
photo. aerial photographyLuftaufnahmetechnik {f} [Verfahren]
photo. aerial photographyLuftbildaufnahme {f} [Vorgang]
photo. aerial photographyLuftbildfotografie {f} [Vorgang]
photo. aerial photographyLuftfotografie {f}
air photographyLuftaufnahmetechnik {f} [Verfahren]
air photographyLuftbildaufnahme {f} [Vorgang]
air photographyLuftbildfotografie {f} [Vorgang]
photo. amateur photographyAmateurfotografie {f}
photo. analog photography [Am.]Analogfotografie {f} [Verfahren]
photo. analog photography [Am.]analoge Fotografie {f} [Verfahren]
photo. animal photographyTierfotografie {f} [Genre]
archi. photo. architectural photographyArchitekturfotografie {f} [Genre]
photo. art photographykünstlerische Fotografie {f}
photo. bird photographyVogelfotografie {f} [Genre]
photo. cheesecake (photography) [Am.] [coll.]Pin-up {n}
photo. color photography [Am.]Farbfotografie {f} [Verfahren]
photo. colour photography [Br.]Farbfotografie {f} [Verfahren]
photo. colour photography [Br.]Farbphotographie {f} [Verfahren]
photo. commissioned photographyAuftragsfotografie {f}
cloth. photo. couture photographyModefotografie {f} [Genre]
photo. digital photographyDigitalfotografie {f} [Verfahren]
photo. digital photographydigitale Fotografie {f} [Verfahren]
photo. documentary photographyDokumentarfotografie {f} [Genre]
photo. documentary photographyDokumentarphotographie {f} [Genre]
cloth. photo. fashion photographyModefotografie {f} [Genre]
FireResc photo. fire photographyEinsatzfotografie {f}
photo. flash photographyBlitzfotografie {f}
photo. flash photographyBlitzlichtfotografie {f} [Verfahren]
photo. flash photographyFotografie {f} mit Blitzlicht [das Fotografieren mit Blitz]
photo. food photographyLebensmittelfotografie {f}
law photo. forensic photographyTatortfotografie {f}
photo. infrared photographyInfrarotfotografie {f} [Verfahren]
phys. Kirlian photographyKirlianfotografie {f}
hist. phys. Kirlian photographyKoronaentladungsfotografie {f} [auch: Hochfrequente Hochspannungs- oder Kirlianfotografie]
photo. landscape photographyLandschaftsfotografie {f} [Genre]
astron. photo. lunar photographyMondfotografie {f}
photo. macro photographyMakrofotografie {f}
photo. macro photographyMakrophotographie {f}
astronau photo. moon photographyMondfotografie {f}
photo. multispectral photographyMultispektralaufnahme {f} [Prozess]
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A 2023-04-18: The Sony World Photography Awards panel dithering wildly makes for delight...
A 2017-11-24: Questions of Photography?
A 2017-11-23: Suggestion: Photography questioned
A 2015-04-07: A photography shop could be somewhere that sells cameras and other photogr...
A 2015-04-07: photography shop
Q 2015-04-07: photography shop
A 2015-01-14: The workshops dealt with introduction to forensics, ... techniques for co...
A 2011-03-31: Could also refer to the film / photography term "to crop an image" in the ...
Q 2011-01-01: Visual Communication Design · Photography
A 2010-11-01: In photography etc.: resolution > Auflösung, Bildauflösung; high resolutio...
A 2009-07-07: On camera is used in photography, too.
A 2009-05-12: When I wrote it, I wasn't sure whether or not "photography" made any sense.
A 2009-05-12: "a photography" doesn't make sense. a "photograph" ?
A 2009-05-12: presenting a photography ?
A 2009-02-16: Is the architectural photography on flickr.com yours, dannyw (GB)? At any ...
Q 2009-02-05: I like photography and website graphic
A 2008-10-09: no, not photography, clavichord..this is business
A 2008-10-09: context? It doesn't have to do with B/W photography does it?
A 2008-08-05: Photography is that imaging process which uses the objective lens in order...
A 2008-08-05: ' . . . photography, which significantly expanded the limits of the pictor...

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