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English-German translation for: phrase book
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Dictionary English German: phrase book

Translation 1 - 50 of 1617  >>

NOUN   a phrase book | phrase books
SEE ALSO  phrasebook
ling. publ. phrase bookSammlung {f} von Redewendungen
ling. publ. phrase bookSprachführer {m} [Buch]
Partial Matches
mus. to phrasephrasieren
ling. phraseAusdruck {m}
phrasekurzer Satz {m}
phrasePhrase {f} [auch mus.]
phraseRedensart {f}
ling. phraseRedewendung {f}
ling. phraseSatz {m} [meist grammatikal. unvollständig]
ling. phraseSatzglied {n}
ling. phraseSatzteil {m}
phraseSchlagwort {n}
phraseSprechtakt {m}
ling. phraseWendung {f}
ling. phraseWortverbindung {f}
phraseZusatz {m}
to phrase sth.etw.Akk. ausdrücken [verbal, auf eine bestimmte Weise]
to phrase sth.etw.Akk. formulieren
ling. adjectival phraseAdjektivphrase {f}
ling. adjective phraseAdjektivphrase {f}
ling. adverb phraseadverbialer Ausdruck {m}
ling. adverbial phraseAdverbial {n}
ling. adverbial phraseAdverbialbestimmung {f}
ling. adverbial phraseAdverbiale {n}
ling. adverbial phraseUmstandsbestimmung {f}
arresting phrasefesselnder Ausdruck {m}
market. catch phraseSchlagwort {n}
market. catch phraseSlogan {m}
market. catch phraseWerbespruch {m}
catchall phrase(unbestimmter / vager) Sammelbegriff {m}
cheap phrasebillige Redensart {f}
comp. code phraseCodesatz {m}
ling. colloquial phraseumgangssprachlicher Ausdruck {m}
commonplace phraseFloskel {f}
concise phraseprägnante Phrase {f} [veraltend] [Formulierung]
conventional phrasekonventionelle Phrase {f}
ling. elliptical phraseelliptische Redewendung {f}
empty phraseFloskel {f}
empty phrasehohle Phrase {f}
empty phraseRedeblume {f} [veraltet] [Floskel]
greeting phraseGrußfloskel {f}
hackneyed phraseKlischee {n}
hackneyed phrasePhrase {f} [pej.] [abgegriffene Redensart oder Aussage]
ling. hackneyed phrasestereotype Redewendung {f}
ling. phonet. intonational phraseIntonationsphrase {f}
introductory phraseEinleitungssatz {m}
key phraseKernsatz {m}
rhet. killer phraseKillerphrase {f} [auch Totschlagargument]
malleable phrasedehnbarer Begriff {m}
obsolete phraseabgenutzte Redensart {f}
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