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English-German translation for: physically
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Dictionary English German: physically

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

English German
physically {adv}
phys. physically {adv}
physically {adv}
physically {adv}
physically {adv}vom Aussehen her
2 Words: Others
med. physically abnormal {adj}physisch anomal
physically challenged {adj} [also hum.]körperbehindert
physically demanding {adj}körperlich anstrengend
physically demanding {adj}körperlich belastend
psych. physically dependent {adj}körperlich abhängig
physically disabled {adj}bewegungsbehindert
physically disabled {adj}körperbehindert
physically disabled {adj}körperlich behindert
physically fit {adj}körperlich fit
med. physically handicapped {adj}körperbehindert
physically handicapped {adj}körperlich behindert
2 Words: Verbs
to abuse physicallykörperlich misshandeln
to attack sb. physicallyjdn. tätlich angreifen
to experience physicallyam eigenen Leib erfahren
3 Words: Others
physically and mentally {adv}physisch und psychisch
3 Words: Verbs
to be (physically) downentkräftet sein
to be physically sicksich übergeben
3 Words: Nouns
comp. physically based rendering <PBR>physikalisch basiertes Rendering {n} <PBR>
physically cohesive propertyräumlich zusammenhängender Grundbesitz {m}
insur. physically disabled (person) [accident victim or war casualty]Versehrter {m}
physically disabled man [specifically in the lower extremities]Gehbehinderter {m}
physically disabled personKörperbehinderter {m}
physically handicapped personKörperbehinderter {m}
the physically handicappeddie Körperbehinderten {pl}
the physically handicappeddie körperlich Behinderten {pl}
4 Words: Others
both physically and spiritually {adv}körperlich wie geistig
4 Words: Verbs
to be physically abusive toward sb.jdm. gegenüber gewalttätig sein
to be physically abusive towards sb.jdm. gegenüber gewalttätig sein
4 Words: Nouns
educ. school for physically disabledSchule {f} für Körperbehinderte
5+ Words: Others
as long as is physically possibleso lange wie nur irgend möglich
You don't have to be there physically.Ihre persönliche Anwesenheit ist nicht erforderlich. [formelle Anrede]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be physically incapable of doing sth.körperlich außer Stande sein, etw. zu tun
to be physically incapable of doing sth.körperlich außerstande sein, etw. zu tun
to encourage sb. to keep himself / herself / themselves physically fitjdn. zur körperlichen Ertüchtigung anhalten
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Q 2017-10-04: We were moved (Physically)
A 2015-06-10: Look like, physically resemble?
A 2015-04-11: physically exhausted
A 2015-03-13: Mind you, +challenge+ has awkward connotations. +intellectually challenged...
Q 2012-11-12: quiver, tremble and shake (all physically)
Q 2012-11-11: Physically demanding
Q 2012-09-03: Physically correct term for "heat exchanger"?
A 2012-06-06: @Anonymous: "Special person" is a nice way of saying that somebody is ment...
Q 2012-05-09: at a chemical level / to be physically there / over-tilled the earth
A 2011-08-06: I believe it means a person who is 'physically' male, but identifies more ...
A 2010-12-14: Acceleration and force are physically different
A 2010-03-24: I have experienced the dangers of addictive drugs to their full extent phy...
A 2009-08-31: to contact physically
A 2009-01-22: They're not physically aggressive, but they are soaked with Blut and Boden.
A 2009-01-22: Next door is always the house (or two) physically next to it, with common ...
A 2008-10-09: Für Junge und Junggebliebene : For physically and mentally young people
A 2008-09-10: physically disconnected
A 2008-07-16: call / request to survey, physically / medically examine and conscript; ex...
Q 2008-05-20: physically
A 2008-02-14: do you mean physically, ie not on a stage or do you mean mentally?

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physically disabled man
physically disabled (person)

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