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English-German translation for: physician
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Dictionary English German: physician

Translation 1 - 50 of 140  >>

English German
NOUN   a physician | physicians
SYNO   Dr. | MD | doc | doctor | medico ... 
jobs med. physician
Arzt {m}
med. physician
Mediziner {m}
jobs med. physician [female]
Ärztin {f}
jobs med. physiatrist <PM&R physician>
Physiater {m} [Naturheilarzt]
jobs med. physiatrist <PM&R physician>Facharzt {m} für Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin [deutsche Berufsbezeichnung]
2 Words: Others
med. physician-directed {adj}ärztlich verordnet
2 Words: Nouns
jobs med. (district) physicianPhysikus {m} [veraltet]
jobs med. accompanying physicianBegleitarzt {m}
jobs med. mil. army physicianMilitärarzt {m}
med. assistant physicianAssistenzarzt {m}
med. assistant physician [female]Assistenzärztin {f}
jobs med. attending physicianBegleitarzt {m}
jobs med. attending physicianbehandelnder Arzt {m}
jobs med. attending physicianbetreuender Arzt {m}
jobs med. attending physician [female]betreuende Ärztin {f}
med. mil. battalion physicianBataillonsarzt {m}
hist. med. camp physicianLagerarzt {m}
hist. camp physician [Third Reich]KZ-Arzt {m}
med. cancer physicianKrebsmediziner {m}
jobs med. cantonal physicianKantonsarzt {m} [schweiz.]
jobs med. cantonal physician [female]Kantonsärztin {f} [schweiz.] [Amtsärztin der Kantonsregierung]
jobs med. chest physicianLungenspezialist {m}
med. chief physicianChefarzt {m}
jobs med. chief physicianPrimar {m} [österr.] [Chefarzt]
jobs med. chief physicianPrimararzt {m} [österr.] [Chefarzt]
jobs med. chief physicianPrimarius {m} [österr.] [Chefarzt]
jobs med. chief physician [female]Primaria {f} [österr.] [Chefärztin]
hist. jobs med. city physicianStadtphysicus {m}
med. community physicianGemeindearzt {m}
jobs med. sociol. community physicianSozialmediziner {m}
jobs med. sociol. community physician [female]Sozialmedizinerin {f}
ind. jobs med. company physicianBetriebsarzt {m}
ind. jobs med. company physician [female]Betriebsärztin {f}
med. consulting physicianFacharzt {m}
med. consulting physicianberatender Arzt {m}
jobs med. court physicianHofarzt {m}
med. emergency physicianNotarzt {m}
med. emergency physicianRettungsarzt {m}
med. emergency physician [female]Notärztin {f}
med. emergency physician [female]Rettungsärztin {f}
jobs med. ENT physicianHNO-Arzt {m}
jobs med. ENT physician [female]HNO-Ärztin {f}
jobs med. family physicianHausarzt {m}
jobs med. family physician [Am.]Facharzt {m} für Allgemeinmedizin
insur. med. fiduciary physicianVertrauensarzt {m}
med. flight physicianFlugarzt {m}
law med. forensic physicianGerichtsarzt {m}
jobs law med. forensic physicianGerichtsmediziner {m}
jobs law med. forensic physician [female]Gerichtsmedizinerin {f}
jobs med. general physician <GP>Hausarzt {m}
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Q 2023-01-21: on a physician balance, on a hospital balance (health insurance)
A 2021-12-13: In the U.S., a physician orders a culture.
A 2021-09-18: Physician-led conversation
A 2014-05-09: primary care physician
A 2013-06-25: town physician (from the early modern period)
A 2012-04-23: also physician heißt einfach nur Arzt
Q 2012-04-23: physician - Notarzthelfer / zusätzliche Fachkundige gesucht!
A 2012-02-06: PC = Physician Champion in Anlehnung an ein Buch
Q 2011-04-06: they do not hire very qualified Arabs and they stop patronizing a physician
A 2011-02-09: "Physician" would be my choice, yes. Drop the "surgeon."
A 2011-02-08: The patient is ready to be the place where a movement or an action on the ...
A 2010-06-08: Go with +sports physician+ - +sports medic+ is not used much
Q 2010-06-08: sportmediziner / sports medic? sports physician?
A 2009-08-05: bty, this text was written by a UK-born physician
A 2008-11-12: Has the Forum considered a third potential meaning of +Facharztgespräch+ -...
A 2008-11-12: Weiterbildungsassistent = house physician ( UK ) = intern ( US ) ?
A 2008-11-12: does seem to be "resident physician" (first job after medical school).
A 2008-10-13: Im Rechtsbereich kannst du doch die Terminologie anpassen. Jeder kapiert d...
A 2008-08-08: +Augenarzt+ > ophthalmologist, a consultant / physician rather than a craftsman
A 2008-06-22: nicht "physician" - "physicist"

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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